cotharyus - I think we have the same configuration actually so it woul also link for you. Try to make a Build->Clean All, say delete references and precompiled headers. It's a thing i have always done since i try to compile vdrift
joe - If i could only choose a track, be sure i would follow religiously your advice. But the application doesn't even start.
I tried to run the Debug mode and Ohhhhhhh the surprise : it seems some files are missing in the current data tarball as said in the log.
May be it would be better to delete Preferences file, or making them dependant of the version running.
I didn't found them either in the official data folder.
Here is the log.
[Session started at 2007-08-25 21:20:17 +0200.]
Found config file /Users/Fx/Library/Preferences/VDrift/controls.
Found config file /Users/Fx/Library/Preferences/VDrift/VDrift.config.
Version of game: 2007-08-25
Skin name not found in config file...
Directory /Users/Fx/Documents/svn/vdrift/tools/osx/build/Debug/data/skins/SConscript/menus does not exist! Skin SConscript not loaded.
Warning: option-47 is missing its default value. Assuming "".
Run with -verbose for troubleshooting.
Run with -nosound to disable sound.
Run with -benchmark to play a replay and output benchmark data.
1 joystick(s) found:
0. Logitech® Precision Gamepad
Extension not supported: GL_ARB_multisample
Card supports: drawbuf1 auxbuf0 anisotropy4 cubemapping shaders multitexturing16 texture_rectangle depth_texture shadow framebuffer_objects
Card does not support: antialiasing
Status: Using GLEW 1.4.0
Fragment shaders enabled
EXCEPTION: /Users/Fx/Documents/svn/vdrift/tools/osx/../../src/shader.cpp, line 186: Shader file not found: /Users/Fx/Documents/svn/vdrift/tools/osx/build/Debug/data/shaders/simple/vertex.glsl
vdrift has exited with status 0.