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Track updates needed...
11-29-2006, 07:17 PM,
preview is almost right, but when I send file is not correct. Maybe is too big.
How can give you this file?


P.S. is it possible delete two previous messages, they are a little bit heavy.
11-29-2006, 08:13 PM,
next work lagunaseca.

Ciao pwp71
11-29-2006, 08:58 PM,
pwp71 Wrote:preview is almost right, but when I send file is not correct. Maybe is too big.
How can give you this file?


P.S. is it possible delete two previous messages, they are a little bit heavy.
You could email it to me, or to the vdrift-devel mailing list. That might be the easiest way. It looks like you were posting it right, but then maybe there's a limit on the size of a single entry on the database table. I'm not sure, but I went ahead and deleted those two posts anyway since it looks like they were incomplete.
11-30-2006, 06:53 PM,
I sent in the mailing-list list.txt of Monza and Lagunaseca.

Next work Monaco.

11-30-2006, 08:27 PM,
pwp71, I have checked out your changes to the tracks and they are much better. Thanks a lot! I have checked them in: r1402.
12-11-2006, 08:09 PM,
Monaco is delayed.

Updated ruudskogen track coefficients in r1420 (now also trees are solid).

Next spa.

12-12-2006, 07:01 AM,
Thanks pwp71 and alex25 for your work on updating the tracks. Ruudskogen is much improved. There are five tracks remaining to be fixed: Weekend Drive, Nuerburgring Nordschleife, Monaco, Detroit, and Spa Francorchamps. Of these five, Monaco and Detroit need only the bump strips changed, as far as I can tell. There seems to be no gravel traps, just pavement.

edit: I've tried working on Detroit and Monaco myself, it seems the problem is that these tracks need to be re-imported because the listedit tool doesn't even read the current list.txt files for these tracks correctly. After that's done it's fairly simple to update them.

For Monaco: run listedit on its list.txt and...
set 1 rmbla* 6 2.0
set 1 rmbla* 7 0.03
set 1 rmblc* 6 2.0
set 1 rmblc* 7 0.03

For Detroit: run listedit on its list.txt and...
set 1 rmbl* 6 2.0
set 1 rmbl* 7 0.03

That's pretty much it, as far as I can see.
12-12-2006, 03:58 PM,
Also spa have some problem (pit lane is like a soap). Sad
How is possible re-import track?
12-13-2006, 03:36 AM,
I figured out what my problem was. It wasn't anything about the list.txt files, I had not compiled listedit in a while, and the one I was running was quite old. I fixed this and updated Monaco and Detroit's list.txt files so that the bump strips are now properly bumpy. Committed in r1427.
12-13-2006, 04:36 PM,
Updated weekend track coefficients in r1428.
12-13-2006, 06:58 PM,
Weekend looks pretty good now in terms of bumpiness and friction. However some problems remain:
* For some reason when I get on the grass I am pulled away from the track by a mysterious force. What's going on here? Could this funkiness be caused by our collision detection code? Perhaps all the objects are loaded twice or something?
* The starting positions need to be fixed on this track, it starts off-track and the AI gets stuck on a tree. This might be a good chance to go ahead and add multiple starting positions since support for this has just been added.
12-13-2006, 11:19 PM,
Just for the record, I think Spa's patch sequence is in reverse order. I've tried to move the starting position to be on the track instead of pit lane. But the AI is trying to drive in the reverse direction.
12-14-2006, 05:03 PM,
Also weekend circuit. I've tried to move the starting position too and AI drives in the reverse direction.

I also realized that missing texture in certain cases cause vdrift crash.
12-14-2006, 07:47 PM,
Annoyance that can be fixed with these changes?
I've noticed that you can "fall off the world" of a track. It's pretty annoying if you are trying to jockey a car to launch it through the air to jump a guard rail to get back on the track. Smile

Is there a way to make the tracks by default have an "invisible wall" at the edges of the track models?

If it introduces a performance hit then ignore this idea but if not I think it would be useful and helpful for "novice drivers" like kids and such. My 4 year old plays this game too.
12-15-2006, 01:23 AM,
such a feature could conceivably be added, although it would require a some work

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