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Searching for track/car designers on
10-09-2007, 12:03 PM,
10-12-2007, 10:24 AM,
Hey, came here from, I did a brief search for an audio thread, but I didn't see anything.

I have enough recording equipment to make some decent wav's for you guys. I do not have access to a lot of rad cars, just a car nerd buddy with a Miata (haha).

Anywho, I am located in Austin, TX and would be happy to coordinate meeting folks with neato cars and recording them with my setup. Is there a thread/wiki page I should look at, or should I just start my own?
10-12-2007, 11:06 AM,
Yay, hi! Nice to have you here! Smile

AFAIK there's nothing so far. You might even wanna take care of the complete audio section.

What we need is not easy to say. We haven't decided yet, but it surely would be nice to have some nice engine sounds, horn sounds, tire squeaking, driving noise...

And maybe some "beeps" for the menu, a beep for the countdown at startup...
(I'd like to see something like a speaker who announces the track a bit... or sometimes later a speaker for a driving school?)

Just give it a start, open up a new wiki page or a forum topic and explain what ideas you have.
10-12-2007, 09:04 PM,
We currently have a tire squeal sound and an engine sound. These need to be improved. Specifically, it'd be nice to have recordings of the engine at different RPMs so they could be blended between to produce a really realistic engine rev.

As for other sounds, here's my wishlist:
* crash sound, wind sound, engine start sound
* different sound/particles for spinning out grass/sand
* tire/road contact sound; make it sound different for different materials (including kerb)
* different sounds if inside the car as opposed to outside the car

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