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I could make cars for v drift...
07-07-2005, 06:26 PM,
I could make cars for v drift...
hey I have been makin 3d cars for nfs 4 for a long time and I have left the whole nfs scene a long time ago and haven't realy done any 3d since. I have been wanting to get going on 3d for a while and need some inspiration so if you want I could make some cars for vdrift. Im not the best but I make some decent low poly models...AdiosJosh
07-07-2005, 09:26 PM,
I could make cars for v drift
Sure, download the model pack and check out the FAQ entry and give it a shot.
07-07-2005, 09:34 PM,
I could make cars for v drift
I am not very good w/ textures and is the model pak for windows or linux?
07-07-2005, 09:56 PM,
I could make cars for v drift
It should work for linux and windows -- it's just a text file, some example car files, and a python blender export script (which should work with windows or linux blender)
07-08-2005, 04:14 AM,
I could make cars for v drift
FAQ: How to add new cars to VDrift? might explain it, let me know if that's not clear enough in places. It was copied from a bunch of different places and reorganized a lot. It probably still needs some editing.
07-08-2005, 11:51 AM,
I could make cars for v drift
I will try to finish my 350 Z and get it into blender. I just have to do the rims and a bunch of small details, like brakes 3d bodylines badges 3d lights and door handles and all that small stuff...Ill send it to you if it all works out.
07-08-2005, 01:26 PM,
I could make cars for v drift
A 350Z would be awesome. I wouldn't worry too much about brakes right now, as there isn't any code yet to rotate the brakes with the front wheels when they turn. You could put them in the back but it'd probably look funny without some in the front too.Also, you could use the default wheel model for testing purposes before you get its own wheels done.
08-28-2006, 04:09 PM,
Re: I could make cars for v drift
thelusiv Wrote:A 350Z would be awesome.

Yeah, I wanna see the 350z in the list of cars in vDrift,'cuz the Z is one of my favorite cars...xD
08-29-2006, 04:17 AM,
If there's something you don't understand about putting a car into Vdrift or Blender or something you can always come by on our IRC channel. I'm there most of the time in the GMT europe timezone and thelusiv on the US times.
10-29-2006, 03:00 PM,
Re: I could make cars for v drift
thelusiv Wrote:FAQ: How to add new cars to VDrift? might explain it, let me know if that's not clear enough in places. It was copied from a bunch of different places and reorganized a lot. It probably still needs some editing.

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10-29-2006, 03:45 PM,
Holy old link batman! The VDrift page is not on SourceForge's servers anymore - we're here on! The FAQ pages are still accessible, just click the FAQ link at the top of the page. The FAQ entry you're looking for is now here: FAQ: How to add cars to VDrift?

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