11-08-2005, 06:21 AM,
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Can't open game?!?!?!?!
Ok i've downloaded the most recent version and installed open AL but when i open Vdrift it closes within 10 seconds please help!
11-08-2005, 08:48 AM,
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Can't open game?!?!?!?!
What release?What OS? (exactly)Can you start to play and the game closes at 10seconds of play? be more descriptive, please.
11-22-2005, 10:57 AM,
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Can't open game?!?!?!?!
I think i have the same problem on Windows XP:
1. After the 2 splash screen (the first wıth Open GL logos, the second wıth VDrift logo) the program exit.
In stdout.txt file i see:
"1 joystick(s) found:
0. 4 axis 12 button joystick with hat switch";
in stderr.txt fıle i see:
"Fatal signal: Segmentation Fault (SDL Parachute Deployed)";
12-05-2005, 08:45 PM,
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Can't open game?!?!?!?!
Am having same problem. In that logs folder in utility.txt i getmain, WIN32: wglGetProcAddress("glMultiTexCoord4fARB") failed.main, WIN32: wglGetProcAddress("glMultiTexCoord2fARB") failed.main, WIN32: wglGetProcAddress("glActiveTextureARB") failed.main, WIN32: wglGetProcAddress("glClientActiveTextureARB") failed.
12-05-2005, 08:56 PM,
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Can't open game?!?!?!?!
Just found in stdout.txt0 joystick(s) found:instderr.txtFatal signal: Segmentation Fault (SDL Parachute Deployed)
04-05-2006, 08:23 PM,
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I am running Windows XP with a Geforce MX 64mb Graphics card (cringes and thinks it could be the problem)
This is what is in the Utility log
Could not find texture: data/tex/data/cars/mustang_gt/interior.png
Could not find texture: data/cars/mustang_gt/interior.png
Basicly the windows opens and crashes.
04-05-2006, 08:47 PM,
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First check to make sure you ran the OpenAL installer before you install VDrift. This was thought to be taken care of but somehow slipped through before the last Windows release. If OpenAL is not present, VDrift will crash (this is what is happening when it disappears on you).
Next, make sure you have the latest drivers for your video card from nvidia. Make sure they're installed correctly, and give it a reboot for good measure after you install/update OpenAL and any drivers.
Your card should be mostly fine for the game. You may find that turning the view distance setting down to low will improve performance a lot. The low setting restricts drawing the 3D world to 500 meters in front of your car. If you're still not happy with performance, you can edit your VDrift.config file and change the view_distance value to something even lower like 200.0 (only see 200 meters ahead). This reduces the amount of stuff that has to be drawn every frame and can really improve performance; of course the down side is that you can't see as far ahead.
The errors in the utility.log file are benign, those are actually due to our not having totally finished the interior on those cars yet.
04-05-2006, 08:52 PM,
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This is the culprit:
WIN32: wglGetProcAddress("glMultiTexCoord4fARB") failed. main, WIN32: wglGetProcAddress("glMultiTexCoord2fARB") failed. main, WIN32: wglGetProcAddress("glActiveTextureARB") failed. main, WIN32: wglGetProcAddress("glClientActiveTextureARB") failed.
Those aren't supposed to fail. Those calls are supposed to return the address of functions for the windows OpenGL API. Those specific functions have to do with multitexturing, which probably isn't supported by your card. Multitexturing shouldn't be required for VDrift, though, so the windows code needs to handle the case where these calls fail and remember not to use the function pointer. I believe the current code works fine for linux, where function pointers aren't used to access the OpenGL API.
04-06-2006, 03:19 PM,
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when I'm downloading it, when it finish's, it says that some document wasent found and re-installing it may fix the problem....doesnt work..installed at least 5-6 times.
08-28-2006, 02:29 PM,
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thelusiv Wrote:By the way for anyone missing OpenAL you can download the OpenAL for Windows installer here: http://www.openal.org/ What do I have to DO with OpenAL?And,in Stdout.txt,it says,"0 joystick(s) found:"....Is that a problem that I should fix?