I tried changing the language. If I change it to "de" and restart VDrift, the display comes up in German. If I change it to "gd" and restart VDrift, the display comes up in English instead of Gaelic.
ETA: I found the reason - only German has an LC_MESSAGES folder, the translation binaries have not been generated for any other language.
Also, the HUD strings (Lap Time etc.) have reverted to English - when did you last update the translation files on Transifex? Please let me know if you need help with this stuff, I have set up Transifex integration for another project, so I could do this for VDrift as well. I would need all powers on Transifex though.
(12-08-2015, 12:28 PM)GunChleoc Wrote: I tried changing the language. If I change it to "de" and restart VDrift, the display comes up in German. If I change it to "gd" and restart VDrift, the display comes up in English instead of Gaelic.
ETA: I found the reason - only German has an LC_MESSAGES folder, the translation binaries have not been generated for any other language.
Also, the HUD strings (Lap Time etc.) have reverted to English - when did you last update the translation files on Transifex? Please let me know if you need help with this stuff, I have set up Transifex integration for another project, so I could do this for VDrift as well. I would need all powers on Transifex though.
The mo generation is not integrated into the build process, has to be done manually, which sucks for obvious reasons.
I haven't updated the strings yet as I've been working on the UI. Due to real life constraints it has taken much longer than expected and everything has kinda stalled.
data/locale dir has a genpot.py script to gen a fresh pot. It looks for vdrift source at ../../src (means if you use the test build, running genpot.py in locale directory should be enough).