cool but coming from NeedForSpeed shift2 i was disappointed by graphics....
but as it says shaders disabled I might be missing something? Also no fullscreen, only windowed with the latest CVS downloaded today.
Can I use my ch yoke? I'll try right now. Would be cool as for now with nfs i can only use the keyboard.
Thanks Michael
michael@ubuntu:~/CPP/vdrift1/build$ ./vdrift -gl3
INFO: Multi-processor system detected. Run with -multithreaded argument to enable multithreading (EXPERIMENTAL).
INFO: Starting VDrift: development-full, Version: 3131, O/S: Unix-like
INFO: Home directory: /home/michael
INFO: Settings file: /home/michael/.vdrift/VDrift.config
INFO: Data directory: /usr/local/share/games/vdrift/data
DATA_DIR: /usr/local/share/games/vdrift/data
INFO: Temporary directory: /home/michael/.vdrift/tmp
INFO: Log file: /home/michael/.vdrift/log.txt
INFO: SDL initialization successful
INFO: SDL video query was successful
INFO: Enabling antialiasing: 4X
INFO: Display change was successful: 1680x1050x32 16z fullscreen=0
INFO: Video card information:
Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Renderer: GeForce GTX 460/PCI/SSE2
Version: 4.1.0 NVIDIA 260.19.44
Maximum texture size: 16384
Maximum varying floats: 60
Using GLEW 1.6.0
INFO: Maximum color attachments: 8
INFO: Maximum draw buffers (1 required): 8
INFO: Disabling shaders
INFO: Maximum anisotropy: 16
INFO: 1 joystick found:
INFO: Loading car controls from: /home/michael/.vdrift/controls.config
INFO: Sound initialization information:
INFO: Obtained audio device:
Frequency: 44100
Format: 32784
Bits per sample: 16
Channels: 2
Silence: 0
Samples: 2048
Size: 8192
Sound initialization successful
INFO: Loaded fonts successfully
INFO: Loaded GUI successfully
INFO: Got quit message from GUI. Shutting down...
INFO: Shutting down...
INFO: Exiting