Options > Controls > Input device
NaN, yeah I might try playing with the build scripts to add some data, which car and track do you include? My internet connect is rubbish though, so the less I upload the better! Btw, something's not right with the sky shaders:
INFO: Multi-processor system detected. Run with -multithreaded argument to enable multithreading (EXPERIMENTAL).
INFO: Starting VDrift: 2012-07-22a, Revision: gc01a519, O/S: OS X
INFO: Home directory: /Users/Guest
INFO: Settings file: /Users/Guest/Library/Application Support/VDrift/VDrift.config (does not exist, will be created)
INFO: Data directory: /Users/timothyfurlong/Public/data
INFO: Temporary directory: /Users/Guest/Library/Application Support/VDrift/tmp
INFO: Log file: /Users/Guest/Library/Application Support/VDrift/log.txt
ERROR: Failed to load /Users/Guest/Library/Application Support/VDrift/VDrift.config
INFO: Disabling antialiasing
INFO: Display change was successful: 800x600x32 24z fullscreen=0
INFO: Using GLEW 1.9.0
INFO: Video card information:
GL Vendor: Intel Inc.
GL Renderer: Intel HD Graphics 3000 OpenGL Engine
GL Version: 2.1 INTEL-8.12.47
Texture units: 8 full, 16 partial
Maximum texture size: 8192
Maximum varying floats: 60
INFO: You don't have an NVIDIA or ATI/AMD card. This game may not run correctly or at all.
ERROR: Graphics card or driver does not support required GL_VERSION_3_3
ERROR: Initialization of GL3 failed; that's OK, falling back to GL 1 or 2
INFO: Maximum color attachments: 8
INFO: Maximum draw buffers (1 required): 8
INFO: Loaded shader package simple
INFO: Loaded shader package simple, variant simple_premult
INFO: Loaded shader package simple, variant simple_gamma_premult
INFO: Loaded shader package simple, variant simple_gamma
INFO: Loaded shader package simple, variant simplecar
INFO: Loaded shader package tonemap
INFO: ----- Start Shader Link Log for /Users/timothyfurlong/Public/data/shaders/gbufferfill/vertex.glsl and /Users/timothyfurlong/Public/data/shaders/gbufferfill/fragment.glsl -----
INFO: WARNING: Output of vertex shader 'V' not read by fragment shader
INFO: ----- End Shader Link Log -----
INFO: Loaded shader package gbufferfill
INFO: ----- Start Shader Link Log for /Users/timothyfurlong/Public/data/shaders/gbufferfill/vertex.glsl and /Users/timothyfurlong/Public/data/shaders/gbufferfill/fragment.glsl -----
INFO: WARNING: Output of vertex shader 'V' not read by fragment shader
INFO: ----- End Shader Link Log -----
INFO: Loaded shader package gbufferfill, variant gbufferfillcar
INFO: ----- Start Shader Link Log for /Users/timothyfurlong/Public/data/shaders/lightaccumulate/vertex.glsl and /Users/timothyfurlong/Public/data/shaders/lightaccumulate/fragment.glsl -----
INFO: WARNING: Output of vertex shader 'tu0coord' not read by fragment shader
INFO: ----- End Shader Link Log -----
INFO: Loaded shader package lightaccumulate, variant lightaccumulate_initial
INFO: ----- Start Shader Link Log for /Users/timothyfurlong/Public/data/shaders/lightaccumulate/vertex.glsl and /Users/timothyfurlong/Public/data/shaders/lightaccumulate/fragment.glsl -----
INFO: WARNING: Output of vertex shader 'tu0coord' not read by fragment shader
INFO: ----- End Shader Link Log -----
INFO: Loaded shader package lightaccumulate, variant lightaccumulate_omni
INFO: Loaded shader package depthgen
INFO: Loaded shader package depthgen, variant depthgennoalpha
INFO: Loaded shader package distancefield
INFO: Loaded shader package deferredskybox
INFO: Loaded shader package deferredskyboxblend
INFO: Loaded shader package softparticle
INFO: Loaded shader package ppdepthadjust
INFO: Loaded shader package ppdepthadjust, variant ppcopy
INFO: Loaded shader package ppdepthadjust, variant ppcopy_gamma
INFO: Loaded shader package deferredshadows
INFO: ----- Start Shader Link Log for /Users/timothyfurlong/Public/data/shaders/ssao/vertex.glsl and /Users/timothyfurlong/Public/data/shaders/ssao/fragment.glsl -----
INFO: WARNING: Output of vertex shader 'eyespace_view_direction' not read by fragment shader
INFO: ----- End Shader Link Log -----
INFO: Loaded shader package ssao
INFO: Loaded shader package ssao_blur
INFO: Loaded shader package deferredaa
INFO: ----- Start Shader Compile Log for /Users/timothyfurlong/Public/data/shaders/skygen/fragment.glsl -----
INFO: ERROR: 0:16: '{' : syntax error syntax error
INFO: ----- End Shader Compile Log -----
INFO: ----- Start Shader Link Log for /Users/timothyfurlong/Public/data/shaders/skygen/vertex.glsl and /Users/timothyfurlong/Public/data/shaders/skygen/fragment.glsl -----
INFO: ERROR: One or more attached shaders not successfully compiled
INFO: ----- End Shader Link Log -----
ERROR: Shader compilation failure: /Users/timothyfurlong/Public/data/shaders/skygen/vertex.glsl and /Users/timothyfurlong/Public/data/shaders/skygen/fragment.glsl
ERROR: Vertex shader:
ERROR: 1 : #version 120
ERROR: 3 : #define SCREENRESY 600
ERROR: 4 : #define SCREENRESX 800
ERROR: 5 : varying vec3 vViewDirection;
ERROR: 6 :
ERROR: 7 : void main(void)
ERROR: 8 : {
ERROR: 9 : gl_Position = gl_Vertex;
ERROR: 10 : vViewDirection = gl_MultiTexCoord0.xyz;
ERROR: 11 : }
ERROR: 12 :
ERROR: Fragment shader:
ERROR: 1 : #version 120
ERROR: 3 : #define SCREENRESY 600
ERROR: 4 : #define SCREENRESX 800
ERROR: 5 : varying vec3 vViewDirection;
ERROR: 6 :
ERROR: 7 : // direction towards sun
ERROR: 8 : uniform vec3 uLightDirection;
ERROR: 9 :
ERROR: 10 : // henyey-greenstein parameter, aerosol scattering (sun disk size)
ERROR: 11 : //uniform float g;
ERROR: 12 : const float g = -0.990;
ERROR: 13 :
ERROR: 14 : // air, aerosol density scale (turbidity)
ERROR: 15 : //uniform vec2 RayleighMieScaleHeight;// = {0.25, 0.1};
ERROR: 16 : const vec2 RayleighMieScaleHeight = {0.25, 0.1};
ERROR: 17 :
ERROR: 18 : // rgb wavelength(rayleigh and mie)
ERROR: 19 : //const vec3 WaveLength = vec3(0.65, 0.57, 0.475);
ERROR: 20 : const vec3 InvWavelength = vec3(5.602, 9.473, 19.644); // pow(WaveLength, -4.0);
ERROR: 21 : const vec3 WavelengthMie = vec3(1.435, 1.603, 1.869); // pow(WaveLength, -0.84);
ERROR: 22 :
ERROR: 23 : const float PI = 3.14159265;
ERROR: 24 : const float InnerRadius = 6356.7523142;
ERROR: 25 : const float OuterRadius = 6356.7523142 * 1.0157313;
ERROR: 26 : const float Scale = 1.0 / (6356.7523142 * 1.0157313 - 6356.7523142);
ERROR: 27 :
ERROR: 28 : //const float ESun = 20.0;
ERROR: 29 : //const float Kr = 0.0025;
ERROR: 30 : //const float Km = 0.0010;
ERROR: 31 : const float KrESun = 0.0025 * 20.0;
ERROR: 32 : const float KmESun = 0.0010 * 20.0;
ERROR: 33 : const float Kr4PI = 0.0025 * 4.0 * 3.1415159;
ERROR: 34 : const float Km4PI = 0.0010 * 4.0 * 3.1415159;
ERROR: 35 :
ERROR: 36 : #define NumSamples 4
ERROR: 37 :
ERROR: 38 : float MiePhase(float ViewSunCos, float ViewSunCos2)
ERROR: 39 : {
ERROR: 40 : vec3 HG = vec3(1.5 * ((1.0 - g * g) / (2.0 + g * g)), 1.0 + g * g, 2.0 * g);
ERROR: 41 : return HG.x * (1.0 + ViewSunCos2) / pow(HG.y - HG.z * ViewSunCos, 1.5);
ERROR: 42 : }
ERROR: 43 :
ERROR: 44 : float RayleighPhase(float ViewSunCos2)
ERROR: 45 : {
ERROR: 46 : return 0.75 * (1.0 + ViewSunCos2);
ERROR: 47 : }
ERROR: 48 :
ERROR: 49 : float HitOuterSphere(vec3 Pos, vec3 Dir)
ERROR: 50 : {
ERROR: 51 : vec3 L = -Pos;
ERROR: 52 : float B = dot(L, Dir);
ERROR: 53 : float C = dot(L, L);
ERROR: 54 : float D = C - B * B;
ERROR: 55 : float q = sqrt(OuterRadius * OuterRadius - D);
ERROR: 56 : float t = B;
ERROR: 57 : return t + q;
ERROR: 58 : }
ERROR: 59 :
ERROR: 60 : vec2 DensityRatio(float Height)
ERROR: 61 : {
ERROR: 62 : float Altitude = (Height - InnerRadius) * Scale;
ERROR: 63 : return exp(-Altitude / RayleighMieScaleHeight);
ERROR: 64 : }
ERROR: 65 :
ERROR: 66 : vec2 OpticalDepth(vec3 Pos, vec3 Dir, float Length)
ERROR: 67 : {
ERROR: 68 : float SampleLength = Length / NumSamples;
ERROR: 69 : float ScaledLength = SampleLength * Scale;
ERROR: 70 : vec3 SampleRay = Dir * SampleLength;
ERROR: 71 : Pos += SampleRay * 0.5;
ERROR: 72 :
ERROR: 73 : vec2 OpticalDepth = vec2(0);
ERROR: 74 : for(int i = 0; i < NumSamples; i++)
ERROR: 75 : {
ERROR: 76 : float Height = length(Pos);
ERROR: 77 : OpticalDepth += DensityRatio(Height);
ERROR: 78 : Pos += SampleRay;
ERROR: 79 : }
ERROR: 80 :
ERROR: 81 : return OpticalDepth * ScaledLength;
ERROR: 82 : }
ERROR: 83 :
ERROR: 84 : vec3 Scatter(vec3 ViewPos, vec3 ViewDir, vec3 SunDir)
ERROR: 85 : {
ERROR: 86 : float ViewLength = HitOuterSphere(ViewPos , ViewDir);
ERROR: 87 : float SampleLength = ViewLength / NumSamples;
ERROR: 88 : float ScaledLength = SampleLength * Scale;
ERROR: 89 : vec3 SampleRay = ViewDir * SampleLength;
ERROR: 90 : vec3 SamplePos = ViewPos + SampleRay * 0.5;
ERROR: 91 : ViewLength -= SampleLength * 0.5;
ERROR: 92 :
ERROR: 93 : vec3 Rayleigh = vec3(0);
ERROR: 94 : vec3 Mie = vec3(0);
ERROR: 95 : for(int i = 0; i < NumSamples; i++)
ERROR: 96 : {
ERROR: 97 : float SunLength = HitOuterSphere(SamplePos, SunDir);
ERROR: 98 : vec2 SunOpticalDepth = OpticalDepth(SamplePos, SunDir, SunLength);
ERROR: 99 : vec2 ViewOpticalDepth = OpticalDepth(SamplePos, ViewDir, ViewLength);
ERROR: 100 :
ERROR: 101 : vec2 OpticalDepth = SunOpticalDepth + ViewOpticalDepth;
ERROR: 102 : vec3 Attenuation = exp(-Kr4PI * InvWavelength * OpticalDepth.x - Km4PI * OpticalDepth.y);
ERROR: 103 :
ERROR: 104 : float SampleHeight = length(SamplePos);
ERROR: 105 : vec2 DensityRatio = DensityRatio(SampleHeight) * ScaledLength;
ERROR: 106 :
ERROR: 107 : Rayleigh += DensityRatio.x * Attenuation;
ERROR: 108 : Mie += DensityRatio.y * Attenuation;
ERROR: 109 :
ERROR: 110 : SamplePos += SampleRay;
ERROR: 111 : ViewLength -= SampleLength;
ERROR: 112 : }
ERROR: 113 :
ERROR: 114 : float ViewSunCos = -dot(ViewDir, SunDir);
ERROR: 115 : float ViewSunCos2 = ViewSunCos * ViewSunCos;
ERROR: 116 :
ERROR: 117 : Rayleigh = Rayleigh * KrESun * InvWavelength;
ERROR: 118 : Mie = Mie * KmESun * WavelengthMie;
ERROR: 119 :
ERROR: 120 : return Rayleigh * RayleighPhase(ViewSunCos2) + Mie * MiePhase(ViewSunCos, ViewSunCos2);
ERROR: 121 : }
ERROR: 122 :
ERROR: 123 : void main(void)
ERROR: 124 : {
ERROR: 125 : vec3 ViewPos = vec3(0, 0, InnerRadius + 1e-3);
ERROR: 126 : vec3 ViewDir = normalize(vViewDirection);
ERROR: 127 : vec3 SunDir = normalize(uLightDirection);
ERROR: 128 : vec3 Color = Scatter(ViewPos, ViewDir, SunDir);
ERROR: 129 : gl_FragColor = vec4(Color, 1.0f);
ERROR: 130 : }
ERROR: 131 :
ERROR: Disabling shaders due to shader loading error