Cylinder wheels question
This is just my question, not a feature request or anything.
VDrift has still 1 raycast for 1 wheel right ? This is also in Stunt Rally.
Of course it works good for small wheels hidden inside car.
I was recently thinking about having cars like a buggy or a monster truck in SR, which have big wheels that can collide with anything on track.
Do you have any advice on how to implement it ?
There is a convex/cylinder sweep method working similary like raycast but IMO this isn't yet what's needed. For example it wouldn't work if I flip a monster truck to side right ? Sweep works good if it's cast down not if the side or top of wheel already collides.
There was something in older topic, I can't remeber, but you did try cylinder wheels before ?
I think the only good way having those would be just to have usual rigid body cylinder shapes. But then is it possible to get their contacts with other collision objects from bullet, somehow filter them to get only 1 contact and input this into tire simulation etc. ? Would it work ?
And since I want to use suspension form VDrift not a joint in bullet, I would have to set this wheels shape position on every simulation update. Which makes me think what will happen if it's set already inside terrain, sounds dangerous, although there is skin width margin for colisions.