RE: VDrift lighting, materials, textures
It sounds like they don't use a specular RGB; instead, the metallic model uses the base color as the specular color, with black diffuse. Clearcoat uses a white specular color. Specular tint sounds like it tints the non-metallic model's specular toward the base color (rather than white).
One other alternative, which I haven't thought fully through yet, would be to use the artist-facing material parameters to generate a 2D lookup texture similar to the "image slices" they use often to visualize BRDFs in the course notes PDF (or some other lookup representation). Then, atlas a bunch of those lookups into a single texture that represents a shared material library for the entire car (or even game). The per-car textures could be base color tint plus a material ID lookup. This might save some shader computation -- instead of computing the BRDF based on all the input parameters, precompute a lot of it and store it in the material lookup atlas. I don't know if it's worth it, though, because it complicates the artist workflow and requires a material editor tool of some kind.