We have finally a new release version 1.7.
There are now 8 VDrift tracks in it (the ones that have best Fps, low geometry count). Asphalt tires are separate now from gravel (actually whole .car is a bit different).
I'm still in the old VDrift code, tried to update lately but it's just a really big thing to do, like doing it from start. I like your progress in simulation and gui changes.
We have a new video (shows game features):
New editor tutorial with 10 videos (editor got a lot better recently):
And we have now dynamic objects on tracks (barrels,boxes,big tires etc).
I made graphs that show car parameters in time, and also tire Pacejka coefficients editing in game is possible (check on last pics in gallery):
Anyway I'm back to being rather alone in developing it, so if there are any programmers that would like to join, use IRC #stuntrally on freenode, also for seeking multiplayer players, comments etc.