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VDrift on mac os x using xcode + car configuration
07-04-2011, 05:39 AM,
VDrift on mac os x using xcode + car configuration
Hi everyone Smile
I'm trying to build and run VDrift on mac os x using xCode. I downloaded the latest development version for the repository and I can build and run it properly but when it runs , when y select the car and go to the race I get this error on xCode :

ERROR: not found.

I searched on the forum and I found a post where " NaN " explained that the car configuration had changed and so I changed the car config for the file :
I removed the include line
and for the 4 wheels i made the following changes :
- texture : tire/touring.png instead of touring.png
- type : &tire/touring instead of tire-touring

but now when i run VDrift I have this error :

ERROR: Error loading texture file: /Users/Adam/Documents/vdrift/data/carparts/tire/touring.png
ERROR: Couldn't load spinning car: XS/

INFO: Loading track from path: /Users/Adam/Documents/vdrift/data/tracks/paulricard88
INFO: Loaded surfaces file, 6 surfaces.
INFO: Track timing sectors: 2
ERROR: Error loading texture file: /Users/Adam/Documents/vdrift/data/carparts/tire/touring.png
ERROR: Error loading car: XS/

Thanks Smile
07-04-2011, 07:34 AM,
finally I got this problem solved :
- In data/carparts/ I created a folder named "tire" where I moved the touring and touring.png
- in the file "touring"
I removed the first line : [tire-touring]
- in the file "" :
I removed the include line ( fist line of the file )
I modified the [wheel.fl.tire] as said in the previous post.
I added (same for fr,rl and rr ) after the [wheel.rr] section
wheel = -0.736, 1.14, -0.47
chassis = 0.0, 0.99, -0.55

I posted the solution so if someone had the same problem he can fix it, also if you want all the xcode project i can send it Smile

07-04-2011, 07:51 AM,
Sounds like you are trying to use outdated data. Try
svn co data

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