09-13-2010, 12:28 PM,
Senior Member
Posts: 358
Threads: 5
Joined: Sep 2005
found out the same thing
will build a fixed version soon...
why aren't the glGenerateMipmap() calls on fbobject / fbtexture a problem?
10-05-2010, 12:29 PM,
Timo 6
Posts: 164
Threads: 6
Joined: Mar 2009
Sorry I've taken so long to reply ); I downloaded it but it got corrupted (my fault, not yours) and as is it is 500+ MB and I have a crap connection I haven't had time to redownload it. I should be able to do it during half term (in 2 weeks time).
11-05-2010, 08:42 AM,
Posts: 98
Threads: 10
Joined: Aug 2005
So... yeah... approaching the end of 2010. Time for another release? I just saw that car skin support is back as of r2888. What other new features / improvements have been made since the 06/10 release?
Release early, release often - the mantra of a successful open source project!