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Tyrell G-P34 bug.
09-30-2010, 06:14 AM,
Tyrell G-P34 bug.
In data r694, G-P34 can't load.

An oem_wheel_rear.png is missing in textures directory.

I copied oem_wheel.png as oem_wheel_rear.png, and now car can be loaded.

but I discovered that this car only works at first gear. Other gears act as if car is in neutral. rpm grows but it doesn't accelerate. Everything seems ok in [transmission] in, I can't see where's the problem.
09-30-2010, 09:26 AM,
Thanks. Something is going on with the auto clutch. Looks like even if you shift up manually, it wont release the clutch. Will see if I can fix it.
10-03-2010, 05:42 AM,
Looks like the Tyrell config is breaking the AutoClutch heuristic. Means we need a better algorithm here. :?
10-03-2010, 05:47 AM,
The current one looks like:

const T threshold = 1000.0;
    const T margin = 100.0;
    const T geareffect = 1.0; //zero to 1, defines special consideration of first/reverse gear

    const T rpm = engine.GetRPM();
    const T maxrpm = engine.GetRPMLimit();
    const T stallrpm = engine.GetStallRPM() + margin * (maxrpm / 2000.0);
    const int gear = transmission.GetGear();

    T gearfactor = 1.0;
    if (gear <= 1)
        gearfactor = 2.0;
    T thresh = threshold * (maxrpm/7000.0) * ((1.0-geareffect)+gearfactor*geareffect) + stallrpm;
    if (clutch.IsLocked())
        thresh *= 0.5;
    T clutch = (rpm-stallrpm) / (thresh-stallrpm);

    if (clutch < 0)
        clutch = 0;
    if (clutch > 1.0)
        clutch = 1.0;
10-03-2010, 06:26 PM,
I rewrote the auto clutch code(r2865). Testers are welcomed.
10-04-2010, 11:45 AM,
Tyrell is working fine !

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