Quote: Because it actually does it better than VDrifts own implementation
After seeing so may constraints that aren't and so many impenetrable bodies penetrated (....could have put that better...), I'd have to question that.
Bullet does a great job of movement of stuff but it doesn't seem to do such a great job of movement of stuff attached to other stuff.
Quote:Give me some time to do more testing. I am not yet ready to give up on bullet.
Wouldn't dream of suggesting that, it does a great job and, with development, will handle constraints and penetration just as well as it does momentum.
For now, even with rigid suspension, there will be a lot of floating around, 2 rigid bodies coming into contact behave as though they are made of rubber.
Taking the wheels and body as a solid mass for
bullets interpolation will simplify things, I was looking at 16 more rigid bodies and 28 joints per car for a simple double wishbone setup.
Detaching the wheels, recalculating and re-attaching will sidestep
bullet's spongieness and the momentum re-calculations are the same as the suspension geometry calculations as they are all acting between the car rigidBody c of g and the surface.
Something similar has to be done with the tyres anyway and would benefit from being part of the same routine. The pacejka calculations seem beyond
bullets limits and need to be done with better resolution than the positional data from
bullet's collision handling.
A putTheWheelsWhereTheyShouldBe routine to do the lot is what I'm suggesting. For now it can just be 4 (+/-) wheels stuck on the corners of a box and a routine to use the existing pacejka calculations and apply the forces generated to the body.
Once that works ok the detaching the wheels and re-attaching them to allow steering and suspension could be done and then the re-positioning of the wheels on the track surface, the re-positioning can be eased in as a percentage of the calculated value which should help damp out oscillations.
I'm going through to see how to do this at the mo, the CARDYNAMICS::UpdateBody routine looks like the spot to break into.
VDrift's appeal to me is as an accurate simulation and that's the aspect I'm making these suggestions from. It's also great fun and would be even more fun with extra features,
bullet should allow more time for developing that aspect, I would like to do what I can whichever way.