Do you actually have to produce some c/c++ code at the end or is the implementation up to you?
If you are free regarding the implementation I'd take a few shortcuts and implement it in blender game engine .
Get RC Car game demo( from: blender artists tread: .
It will run with the latest blender version. Disable ghost property on car body to allow collisions with the environment. Replace the car mesh with a realistic one(maybe mikes BMW3GE.blend). Separate braking from reverse driving. Adjust the car camera offset to be inside car at driver position.
Find a road section in real world, make photos of the building facades, road surface and recreate it in blender using the photos as textures.
You can use makehuman to create a high quality human mesh . Import it into blender. Use photos from a friend as textures for it. Use a blender version with motion-capture toolset . Animate the human mesh. Place human mesh in the game scene and trigger the animation by a sensor.
You will have to figure out how to add sounds. I'd look for blender game engine demos with sounds