been gone for a year
1. this commit(and later):
doesn't compile. it looks like it's missing archive.h archive.cpp archive_entry.h archive_entry.cpp
2. to be honest, the road textures i made for rouen were my first ever textures. they look too perfect and cartoony. i have began making a revised set that look so much better. lighter grey, more worn looking, cracks.
3. i have also began making my first car in blender. a 2dr vw golf mk 1. so far just a basic shell, but it looks like a good start nonetheless.
and now onto q's.
4. does the gl3 renderer support specular and normal maps yet?
5. does the exporter support blender 2.58a? that's what i'm using for my car.
6. what should my golf be? gas, diesel, gti, etc. there were quite a few engine options throughout the mk 1's years. i was thinking diesel just for novelty and i don't think we have a diesel yet. but when the game gets more developed we could have a used car section with randomised engine/transmission options for all of our cars.