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08-25-2010, 09:42 PM,
NaN Wrote:Only if you want to stay compatible to the pre-surfaces.txt releases.
Which I'm not worried about. So what I have gathered is that surfaces.txt replaces the following:
  • list.txt object parameters
    • bump wavelength
    • bump amplitude
    • friction coefficient for non-treaded tires
    • friction coefficient for treaded tires
    • rolling resistance coefficient
    • rolling drag
  • track.txt parameters
    • non-treaded friction coefficient
    • treaded friction coefficient

And that it adds the last parameter in the objects in list.txt which specifies the surface id?
08-26-2010, 03:53 AM,
List parameters:

The surface id(surface-id) in surfaces.txt is parameter 16. Type determines the surface sound. There are 6 sounds: none, asphalt, grass, gravel, concrete, sand, cobbles. The sounds will be customisable in the future.
Type = asphalt
BumpWaveLength = 2.0
BumpAmplitude = 0.01
FrictionNonTread = 0.8
FrictionTread = 0.9
RollResistanceCoefficient = 2.5
RollingDrag = 5.0
08-26-2010, 09:45 PM,
Thanks for the info...I am too lazy to read the source. Wink

I have implemented a few things in the Blender gui script to add/edit/delete surfaces.
08-27-2010, 07:42 AM,
From what I can see, there is no functionality to import/export surfaces.txt in yet, correct?
08-27-2010, 01:10 PM,
Create an empty object per surface and set the properties. I think I had the code somewhere. But it looked much simpler to me to edit the surfaces file outside of blender. Smile
08-29-2010, 06:34 PM,
I think I'll just code up something myself to write surfaces.txt - it is pretty simple, after all. I will need to do some heavy refactoring on this code anyway, and will, at that point, merge any such duplicate functionality with

What are reasonable limits on each of the surface parameters?
08-29-2010, 07:45 PM,
My best guess:
bump_wavelength: 0.001 - 1 // needs experimental verification, lol
bump_amplitude: 0 - 0.1 // should be enough I guess, needs verification too
friction_treaded: 0 - 1 // wet/loose surface traction factor, scales tire grip
friction_non_treaded: 0 - 1 // slicks traction factor, scales tire grip
rolling_resistance: 0 - 10 // rolling resistance factor(track deformation), scales tire rolling resistance
rolling_drag: 0 - 20 // viscous drag(sand, mud, ...), sand is actually not viscous but who cares

rolling_drag and bump_amplitude are scaled by 1/4 internally.

Maybe someone more experienced with the tracks (I haven't even tested all of them I think), can provide some limits that look/feel realistic. Looking at existing surfaces might be helpfull too.

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