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Active contributors check in
12-02-2010, 02:44 AM,
Active contributors check in
Please post if you are currently working on VDrift data or code, or have been in the recent past. Describe what you are/were working on. This does not include future projects or separate projects based on VDrift (please start another thread). This thread will be used to update the Contributors page on the wiki.
12-02-2010, 03:56 AM,
I am currently working on this:
12-02-2010, 09:39 AM,
12-02-2010, 11:36 AM,
I'm currently working on
The progress are slow but constant Smile
12-02-2010, 01:31 PM,
was working on the LE, which, aside from it's interior textures is pretty nice right now.

also hope to get the ATT to a pass-able state soon.
12-02-2010, 09:21 PM,
By the way, make sure your real name is in your profile on this site so I can put the correct name on the Contributors wiki page. If you don't put one, I will just use your username.
12-02-2010, 10:11 PM,
had to take a look, but it looks like my real name is in there. couldn't make any changes (my website has moved somewhat) said to make sure my email address and confirmation address were correct. no visible confirmation address field though.
12-02-2010, 10:32 PM,
MirceaKitsune(inactive I guess) contributed:
[PATCH] Reverse lights
[PATCH] Gear, brake and handbrake sounds
Motivated car coloring implementation, adapted car skins.
12-03-2010, 02:24 AM,
zimluura Wrote:had to take a look, but it looks like my real name is in there. couldn't make any changes (my website has moved somewhat) said to make sure my email address and confirmation address were correct. no visible confirmation address field though.

same here, i tried putting in my location a few days ago with the same results.

i'm working (slowly) on polishing rouen because it is our only freely licensed track that people like debian would allow in their repositories. i'm hoping to make it vdrift's best-looking track. hopefully i will have the time for that.

i also find freely licensed car models that people have made in blender, so that i can export them and create .car's for them. i'm working on the EF (also slowly), i have a line-up of models on my computer that are under what i think are acceptable licenses. EF, AQ, M6, FS, and EC are a few that i plan on exporting in the next couple of months. the EC is my first blender model and is a concept electric car that i designed.
12-03-2010, 10:04 AM,
portets Wrote:
zimluura Wrote:had to take a look, but it looks like my real name is in there. couldn't make any changes (my website has moved somewhat) said to make sure my email address and confirmation address were correct. no visible confirmation address field though.

same here, i tried putting in my location a few days ago with the same results.

Oops, yes, the site seems partially broken in some ways. Well just post your name then if you want it on the Contributors page.
12-04-2010, 10:50 AM,
Timothy Porter
12-05-2010, 03:08 PM,
I've only had time recently to post little bugfixes. However, I've been working on a rendermonkey clone:
which uses a new OpenGL 3 compatible rendering engine that I wrote, and I'm planning on moving the rendering backend of VDrift over to it at some point. I also have a bunch of multiplayer connection and synchronization code that I wrote for another project that I want to put into VDrift so we can have multiplayer races again.
12-09-2010, 06:32 AM,

This page now has the most up-to-date information, to the best of my knowledge. Please post if there is anything incorrect or missing.

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