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use old_openal=1 but sometimes has no sound
03-30-2007, 04:48 AM,
use old_openal=1 but sometimes has no sound
I've just built my vdrift rpms on Mandriva LE2005. In order not to break dependacy, I installed development rpms from the repository. Since the libopenal for Mandriva 2005 is a cvs from 20050312, I used old_openal=1 when compiling.

The game works fine so far. The only issue I have is that sometimes there's no sound in the game, e.g. the first race has sound, then quit to menu, and the second has no sound. Sometimes restart the game works, but sometimes it doesn't (even no sound for first race). I tried run from console but I cannot see any messages related to sound or openal, the logs are all empty as well.

Does anyone here also use old_openal=1 and have similiar sound issues? If so, is there a solution?

03-30-2007, 05:43 AM,
same issue here without this option
03-30-2007, 06:28 PM,
yochenhsieh, there are several known issues with the sound system in the 3/23 release. We are rewriting the entire sound system from the ground up, so hopefully many of these problems will be fixed by next release.

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