02-01-2007, 04:14 AM,
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could I help develop vdrift?
The Good:
I'm good at Perl, HTML, CSS, Javascript and decent at Java.
I'm decent at designing levels, making 3d models, and making graphics
I know a LOT about car modification and performance parts.
The Bad:
I don't know C (but knowing Perl and Java gives me most of the concepts)
I'm not firmiliar with OpenGl or Linux
I have never worked on an Open Source Project
I don't have money to pay for expensive software(visual studio,3ds max, ect..), which is a major reason why I don't know C.
I would love to see vdrift have the caliber of a game like Gran Turismo or Forza Motorsport one day. Many successful open source projects like Linux and Apache prove this is possible.
I'm sure this subject has been beat to death, but I think the game physics/controls is the the biggest area for improvement, Closely followed by graphics and sound. I would like to help with one of these areas. I don't know if any of my skills are useful but I love to learn, so I might be able to help if you point me in the right direction.
02-01-2007, 04:24 AM,
Posts: 136
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Joined: Jan 2006
Since you don't know C but do know 3d moddeling/graphics, how about a startoff in graphics?
You could for example improve some of our graphics like the texturing of some cars, I'm a decent 3d modeller for example but suck at texturing so some of the cars I've made are not looking at their best because of bad texturing.
But hey if you wan't to do some modelling, how about creating a track?
We model cars and tracks in Blender. http://www.blender.org
02-01-2007, 05:23 PM,
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I have used Blender from the beginning, and I'm very happy that you chose this for your modeling program. I have blender scenes I made that date back to 1998. I used to model things as a hobby, I've even modeled a couple cars on it. I haven't used it for a couple years, but I could pick it back up quickly. I would need to brush up on modeling and get the details on how models need to be done for vdrift. I'm decent at texturing, I've used the excellent GIMP, and I've got a graphics tablet. I'll stop by the IRC channel next time I have a chunk of free time.
I'm not that avid with physics, beyond knowing basics about grip I don't know a great deal about suspension physics. If the problems lie in parameters though, I could see what I can do.
02-02-2007, 06:56 AM,
Posts: 136
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Cool, finally more 3d modellers
Joe, where do I find the ambient occlusion texture baking feature in the new Blender?
02-05-2007, 02:38 AM,
Posts: 136
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Joined: Jan 2006
Yeah this is great, it will make the texturing allot easier and cooler.