(10-13-2014, 05:36 PM)slickx Wrote: it exports but when i import the file is empty there is no geometry.no errors though.
can you make the exporter save the list.txt too ?
also what should i use to export all objects to jpk or .joe ?
Would you make time to write a proper tutorial on track editing importing ?
the video on youtube is kind of old and uses pyton 6.4 i guess?!
I've had a look at the bend file. Did you create the objects in blender or import them?
To see the problem activate the console in blender (In the top "Info" bar: Window -> Toggle System Console)
You will see something like:
mountain1 not exported. No texture assigned.
mountain2 not exported. No texture assigned.
top not exported. No texture assigned.
rail not exported. No texture assigned.
road not exported. No texture assigned.
water not exported. No texture assigned.
It is also the reason why the objects are white in the 3d view if you select "Texture" as shading.
Blender UV/Texture mapping system is kinda "unintuitive" here (made towards rendering).
You have to select the object (water for example), switch into edit mode, make sure all vertices are selected (press A, orange colored), switch from 3d view to uv editor view, in the uv editor select the image to be linked (click small image icon, select water.png).
Repeat for the other objects, export jpk should be about 313KB list.txt will contain 5 entries.
http://i.imgur.com/QGBGnnb.jpg // stupid broken image embedding sigh
Is it ok if I use the blend for the tutorial video?