06-17-2010, 03:08 AM,
Posting Freak
Posts: 2,024
Threads: 120
Joined: Jan 2010
Nice job zimluura!
Some suggestions:
Code: [mirror_r]
position=0.667, 0.401, 0.026
orientation=x, y, z, w
layer=car_noblend ;normal_noblend, twodim, lights_emissive, lights_omni, ....
shape=capsule ;sphere, capsule, multisphere, box, staticmesh, ...
Not sure about the shape(collision shape). Maybe it should be determined internally(because of speed reasons). Car has a multisphere shape at the moment. Track objects are a single static mesh.
I think we should figure out an object description file format, to be usable with track objects too.
Car body and driver should go into accessories.txt too. But then it needs another name.
06-17-2010, 10:40 AM,
Posting Freak
Posts: 2,024
Threads: 120
Joined: Jan 2010
OK. Joe can you elaborate on the light volumes(if I got it right)?
Code: // create brake light point light sources
// this is experimental at the moment and uses fixed
// coordinates to place the brake lights
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
SCENENODE & bodynoderef = topnode.GetNode(bodynode);
lights.back().node = bodynoderef.AddNode();
SCENENODE & node = bodynoderef.GetNode(lights.back().node);
VERTEXARRAY & varray = lights.back().varray;
MODEL & model = lights.back().model;
node.GetTransform().SetTranslation(MATHVECTOR <float,3>(-2.16,-0.45*(i*2-1),-0.18));
model.BuildFromVertexArray(varray, error_output);
keyed_container <DRAWABLE> & dlist = GetDrawlist(node, OMNI);
lights.back().draw = dlist.insert(DRAWABLE());
DRAWABLE & draw = dlist.get(lights.back().draw);
draw.SetCull(true, true);
//draw.SetCull(false, false);
06-18-2010, 07:11 AM,
Posting Freak
Posts: 2,024
Threads: 120
Joined: Jan 2010
I'd like to use it for headlights too. Have been thinking about the best way to expose it to the user.
Code: [light-0]
06-19-2010, 07:39 PM,
Posting Freak
Posts: 2,024
Threads: 120
Joined: Jan 2010
Just fooling around ...
Use dedicated loaders for each [object]. Support simple inheritance [base.derived]. Maybe we should switch to a scripting language, lol.
Code: ; graphics
name = oem_wheel
mesh = oem_wheel.joe
texture-0 = oem_wheel.png
texture-1 = oem_wheel_misc1.png ;optional, material texture
texture-2 = oem_wheel_misc2.png ;optional, normal texture
position = 0,0,0 ;optional, relative to parent
orientation = 0,0,0 ;optional, euler angles in degrees
scale = 1,1,1 ;optional, use negative numbers to mirror objects
mass = 0.0 ;optional, 0.0 => static object
color = 1,1,1,1 ;if alpha 1 and diffuse texture with alpha do vertex color blend
name = brake_front
texture-0 = rotor_worn.png
radius = 0.15
width = 0.05
position = -0.05, 0, 0
name = wheel_front
size = 205/50r17
texture-0 = touring.png
model = oem_wheel, brake_front
name = brake_left
position = 0.5, -1.5, 0.3
color = 1, 0, 0
radius = 8
; car dynamics
name = tire_front
size = 205/50r17
type = touring
name = brake_front
friction = 0.9
max-pressure = 3.0e6
bias = 0.6
radius = 0.1397
area = 0.01
name = front_right
position = -0.73, 1.28, -0.48
scale = -1, 1, 1
tire = tire_front
brake = brake_front
model = wheel_front