Subject pretty much describes the issue. Running in full screen mode with the following config setting, on exit the X frontend resolution is still 1280x720:
[ display ]
FOV = 45.000000
anisotropic = 0
antialiasing = 0
bloom = false
camerabounce = 1.000000
contrast = 1.000000
depth = 16
fullscreen = true
height = 720
input_graph = false
lighting = 0
mph = true
racingline = false
reflections = 1
shaders = true
shadow_distance = 1
shadow_quality = 1
shadows = false
show_fps = false
show_hud = true
skin = simple
texture_size = large
trackmap = true
view_distance = 1000.000000
width = 1280
zdepth = 24
System is running 64 bit Linux Mint 7, VDrift compiled from source with "release=1" and "arch=a64" specs below:
Intel Core2 Quad 6600
NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT - Driver version 180.44
X Server Version 11.0\1.6.0
Acer X233H Running at native resolution (1920x1080)
Is obviously not a problem when running in 1920x1080 mode, but apparently a bug none the less.