portets Wrote:does vdrift have any tracks of it's own yet?
No. :-( Although the rouen track (which unfortunately isn't my favorite course) is public domain, so we could do whatever we want to that one.
Quote:and the problem the op mentioned isn't just with that track. at least for me, i can go through any wall as long as i'm going straight on and over 200 kph. development, or release version. although it seems harder in the development one
VDrift only checks for collisions 50 times a second to keep performance up, so if the car is moving really fast you can get into a case where one frame it's in front of a wall and the next frame it's on the other side of the wall, and so VDrift doesn't notice that it's impossible to get from one side to the other without crashing through the wall. There are some ways to fix this without checking for collisions more times a second; bullet has a "continuous collision" library, and also I could emulate that behavior by stretching the collision box based on how fast the car is moving. Can you point to a car/track combination where this happens easily (helps with testing any solutions)?