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double bug in single race mode at three tracks
02-22-2009, 12:13 PM,
double bug in single race mode at three tracks
These following bugs happen at the Virginia,Bahrain and Hungaroring tracks.The first is that no matter what is the number of opponents you choose they appear as one.However the place label on the screen shows the real number of the opponents.The second bug is that the unique opponent that really competes with you, at the starting line begins at the same position as you.So actually your opponent's car appears "in" yours.
02-22-2009, 02:27 PM,
The reason is that the tracks you mentioned only have one starting place defined, so all of the AI cars start at the same place as you, and the AI cars will drive identically since they started at the same spot, so they just look like one car. I'll put this on the issue list.
02-23-2009, 09:21 AM,
OK!Thanks for letting me know.

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