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Error loading texture file
08-15-2008, 08:22 AM,
Error loading texture file
Hi, I just downloaded Vdrift today on my lenovo y410 laptop running ubuntu 8.04

This is what happens when I try to run the game:

agastya@agastya-laptop:~/Downloads/vdrift-08-05-08$ ./vdrift
BinReloc successfully initialized.
Executable path: /home/agastya/Downloads/vdrift-08-05-08/vdrift
Data dir: /home/agastya/Downloads/data
Localedir: /home/agastya/Downloads/share/locale
No data_dir found in VDrift.config, using /home/agastya/Downloads/data
/home/agastya/Downloads/data/settings/VDrift.config not found. Attempting to load data from /home/agastya/Downloads/vdrift-08-05-08/data
Found config file /home/agastya/.vdrift/controls.config.
Found config file /home/agastya/.vdrift/VDrift.config.
No data_dir found in VDrift.config, using /home/agastya/Downloads/vdrift-08-05-08/data
Version of game: development-full
Skin name not found in config file...
Directory /home/agastya/Downloads/vdrift-08-05-08/data/skins/SConscript/menus does not exist! Skin SConscript not loaded.
Run with -verbose for troubleshooting.
Run with -nosound to disable sound.
Run with -benchmark to play a replay and output benchmark data.
0 joystick(s) found:
Card supports: drawbuf8 auxbuf4 antialiasing anisotropy16 cubemapping shaders multitexturing32(4) texture_rectangle depth_texture shadow framebuffer_objects
Card does not support:
Status: Using GLEW 1.5.0
Fragment shaders enabled
Loaded shader package simple
Loaded shader package full
Loaded shader package full-noshadow
Loaded shader package blurpass
Loaded shader package depthgen
Framebuffer object complete
Framebuffer object complete
EXCEPTION: src/textures.cpp, line 489:  Error loading texture file: skins/simple/textures/loading0.png (/home/agastya/Downloads/vdrift-08-05-08/data/skins/simple/textures/loading0.png)


I checked the directory skins/simple/textures and it does contain loading0.png
How do I fix it so I can start playing??

Thanks in advance
08-15-2008, 12:03 PM,
What kind of video card do you have? Do other 3D applications run OK?
08-15-2008, 12:59 PM,
I have an nvidia 8400M GS gfx card...
the only other game I've tried is torcs and that runs fine on my system
08-15-2008, 01:05 PM,
Someone seems to have posted the same error as a bug

clytle374 Wrote:I might be missing something here but after installing with scons I always have to reinstall the data directory. Most of it is installed but somethings are missing. Resulting in errors like.

EXCEPTION: src/textures.cpp, line 489:  Error loading texture file: skins/simple/textures/loading0.png (/usr/share/games/vdrift/data/skins/simple/textures/loading0.png)

This is been happening for a long time, and though I should let someone know. Or someone let me know what I'm missing.

I have been looking into a SVN build option for portage(gentoo) to automate the SVN install.
08-16-2008, 01:18 PM,
I think in that case the problem was that those data files didn't exist because the scons install script didn't actually copy them over.

This is what it looks like when I start up:

BinReloc successfully initialized.
Executable path: /home/joe/code/VDrift-releases/vdrift-08-05-08/build/vdrift
Data dir: /home/joe/code/VDrift-releases/vdrift-08-05-08/data
No data_dir found in VDrift.config, using /home/joe/code/VDrift-releases/vdrift-08-05-08/data
Found config file /home/joe/.vdrift/controls.config.
Found config file /home/joe/.vdrift/VDrift.config.
No data_dir found in VDrift.config, using /home/joe/code/VDrift-releases/vdrift-08-05-08/data
Version of game: development-full
Skin name not found in config file...
Directory /home/joe/code/VDrift-releases/vdrift-08-05-08/data/skins/SConscript/menus does not exist! Skin SConscript not loaded.
Run with -verbose for troubleshooting.
Run with -nosound to disable sound.
Run with -benchmark to play a replay and output benchmark data.
1 joystick(s) found:
    0. Gravis Eliminator AfterShock
Card supports: drawbuf4 auxbuf4 antialiasing anisotropy16 cubemapping shaders multitexturing16(4) texture_rectangle depth_texture shadow framebuffer_objects
Card does not support:
Status: Using GLEW 1.5.0
Fragment shaders enabled
Loaded shader package simple
Loaded shader package full
Loaded shader package full-noshadow
Loaded shader package blurpass
Loaded shader package depthgen
Framebuffer object complete
Framebuffer object complete

My compilation process was simply:
* untar the archive
* cd to the archive
* cd to the bullet-2.66 folder
* ./configure
* jam bulletcollision bulletmath
* cd ..
* scons -j 3
* ran build/vdrift

Is that what you did?

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