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About maps for VDrift
08-03-2006, 02:37 PM,
About maps for VDrift
hey there, this is my first post and I would like to tell you guys this is an awesome project, but it could use a lot of improvement in the art part such as in maps, models or buttons for menus Tongue . Anyway I am a 3D modeler and a Texture Artist and I was thinking how to add maps for this? In the FAQ you only have how to add cars... any help could be useful 8)
08-03-2006, 05:46 PM,
Well to be honest, since we switched to our new track system (a fully modeled approach, instead of our old height-mapped tracks), no one has made an original track for VDrift from scratch. However it shouldn't be terribly difficult.

The first step is to get the roadway. I suspect that the best way to do this would probably be the TORCS track editor. It lets you build the road (I think) by lengths and radiuses, etc. so you can tweak everything and get it "just right". From there, you can export the track to a model. Then you would need to build scenery all around the track model using 3D modeling software, including the ground, trees, walls, buildings, and other objects. All these models will of course need textures.

Once you've built the track & model, then you can export everything to a format that VDrift can load. Our model format is called JOE, and there is JOE export script for Blender. You don't have to do all your modeling in Blender, but you'll have to import it into Blender before you can get it into the game.

If you're really serious about this then please come chat with the developers on our IRC channel. You can see more information on how to do that on the Chat page. If you have any questions about that feel free to post here or contact me.
08-03-2006, 11:33 PM,
As for menu buttons and things, if you pop into the IRC channel we can probably describe how to modify those.
08-03-2006, 11:33 PM,
As for menu buttons and things, if you pop into the IRC channel we can probably describe how to modify those.
08-04-2006, 08:00 AM,
Ok thanks for the info, I would join the IRC channel but the only way i could enter would be by IRC Applet and doesn't work and I can't go with normal IRC because my Firewall blocks mIRC... altough I will try to make it work with my FireWall on
08-04-2006, 08:00 AM,
Ok thanks for the info, I would join the IRC channel but the only way i could enter would be by IRC Applet and doesn't work and I can't go with normal IRC because my Firewall blocks mIRC... altough I will try to make it work with my FireWall on
08-04-2006, 09:03 AM,
Well I'm not sure why your firewall might block IRC traffic, but there might be a way to get around it. Most of the time you connect to IRC on port 6667 but you can connect to freenode also on port 7000. Try this and see if it works for you.
08-04-2006, 09:03 AM,
Well I'm not sure why your firewall might block IRC traffic, but there might be a way to get around it. Most of the time you connect to IRC on port 6667 but you can connect to freenode also on port 7000. Try this and see if it works for you.

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