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Car Data
07-27-2006, 04:30 AM,
I second the parking lot, and Z-cars.
OH yeah and good car data too.

07-27-2006, 12:26 PM,
Alright expect to see a parking lot track in the next release. Smile
07-27-2006, 09:23 PM,
customcreationav: I'm pretty open to different ideas for how customization should work. I'm a big fan of Gran Turismo, so that's what I'm used to, but other ideas are fine too. Maybe you could brainstorm some categories and work with thelusiv to generate a mock-up of what the interface would look like and how it would work. I can help with the coding to get the cars to actually load the customization data and behave properly.

Some things to think about: not all of the parts will fit on all of the cars, and only certain combinations of parts are valid. In addition, the effects of various parts might depend on what mods you already have on the car. It has the potential to be overly complicated, so let's try to start simple. I was thinking that there could be categories for parts, and then within the categories there would be sub-categories and you can have 1 and only 1 part installed from the sub-categories. Does this sound like a good start to you? The parts would work by replacing values (or multiplying the stock values) from the .car definition file, which would represent a stock configuration.
07-27-2006, 11:46 PM,
yea thats what i agree with i think it should be only on certain cars but i can find out what parts fit what cars but the thing is the car menu is goin to have to be changed up alittle but i can discuss that with lusiv
07-28-2006, 12:04 AM,
customcreationav Wrote:yea thats what i agree with i think it should be only on certain cars but i can find out what parts fit what cars but the thing is the car menu is goin to have to be changed up alittle but i can discuss that with lusiv

The car menu that's there now is just a simple select car and color thing, it works for a practice game menu but that's about it. I'd like to see a car select menu that gives information about the car, and allows you to change things about it other than just color.
07-28-2006, 12:05 AM,
when do yall want me to start with the part finder i can start working on parts for the honda 2000
07-28-2006, 12:19 PM,
customcreationav Wrote:when do yall want me to start with the part finder i can start working on parts for the honda 2000
The S2000 is a good place to start. Feel free to post links and other stuff you find here (or start a new thread if you like) so we can keep track of it all in one place.

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