Debian probably is not the factor that causes your problem, but it is your savior in your situation. Just follow these steps.
1. Install the subversion package.
# apt-get install subversion
2. Open a terminal client. CTRL+ALT+T
should work.
3. Navigate into your vdrift/tracks. If you have installed vdrift through apt-get your vdrift folder is ~/.vdrift. It however might not have a tracks/ folder. If this is the case, run
4. Download the tracks using subversion (svn):
$ svn co
$ svn co
5. Start the game. Now the tracks should be there.
You could also download the whole tracks folder with
$ svn co
If there are any problems with these commands, please ask for help. I have not tested these instructions on debian, although I have done something similiar with my arch system.