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New car, the MC
05-21-2006, 02:07 PM,
New car, the MC
I've included another new car into SVN today at which I've been working the last week. It's the MC. It's a FWD car with about 2600 faces. Enjoy.
I'm now gonna focus on some texturing and better texture mapping for all cars. Then I'm going to bake some interiors for the cars that don't have any.
05-21-2006, 02:24 PM,
Re: New car, the MC
thanks for your great work on the cars

off, to try out the MC now Wink
05-21-2006, 02:52 PM,
hmmm the SB crashes vdrift:

Thread 0 Crashed:
0 org.vdrift-team.vdrift 0x000b071c VGUI::SpinningCar::LoadCar() + 2048 (spinning_car.cpp:95)
1 org.vdrift-team.vdrift 0x000b0b3c VGUI::SpinningCar:Big Grinraw(float) + 848 (spinning_car.cpp:207)
2 org.vdrift-team.vdrift 0x000a83d8 VGUI:Tongueage:Big Grinraw(float) + 640 (stl_vector.h:403)
3 org.vdrift-team.vdrift 0x000a8618 VGUI::Gui:Big Grinraw() + 460 (gui.cpp:2500)
4 org.vdrift-team.vdrift 0x000157f8 drawGLScene() + 972 (main.cpp:1945)
05-21-2006, 02:56 PM,
also, with svn trunk the cars don't move anymore ... very weird ;(
05-22-2006, 01:40 AM,
I can't reproduce the bug you described. The cars don't move anymore? Explain.
05-22-2006, 02:11 AM,
joevenzon Wrote:I can't reproduce the bug you described. The cars don't move anymore? Explain.
lol that was an problem with my config (autoclutch), but the crash is real and happens every time here...i'll have a look
05-22-2006, 05:17 AM,
Not about the MC but was to lazy to start a new topic.

Í've updated a few mistakes in the body of the CO today. I've also gave the wheels and tires some better textures and I've added allot more body textures.
The .car file is also updated. The CO is much more drivable now. I made a few torque and gear ratio mistakes before. Now you only have to watch your right foot in first gear, but thats pretty normal behavior with that car.

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