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Cars downloaded ???
06-19-2010, 05:04 PM,
Cars downloaded ???
I have linux ubuntu 9.10
and i have instaled vdrift 2009-06-15

the cars instaled with game works correctly,
but when i download other car


when i launch game and i choose new car downloaded :

I see just the body to the car, they haven't whell...

and if I selected downloaded car and i launch race : It not launch

:?: please help me

[Image: Vdrift1.jpeg]
06-19-2010, 05:17 PM,
The links have to be updated. The recent cars are not compatible to the last release.

Try the following revision:

Select a car folder, then "Download GNU tarball".
06-20-2010, 04:17 PM,
thanK you.

it's great works.


I have 3 questions:

1) in it's writed : It's possible to play Vdrift on lan or Ipdirect.
how have to do to play lan ? :
I don't see lan game.

2) It's very hard to drive correctly :
the cars turn smoly left or right, or they're slide more and spin.
Isn't à just midle?
Isn't possible to have a more happy control : more turn cars and more adherence, and less slide ?

3) transform Mph in Km/h?

06-20-2010, 04:42 PM,
Quote:in it's writed : It's possible to play Vdrift on lan or Ipdirect.
Not with vdrift 2009-06-15 I think.

Quote:It's very hard to drive correctly
Are you playing with analog controller or keyboard?
Enable TCS/ABS, adjust Speed Effect on Steering, Button Delay.
Modify car parameters (.car file)

Quote:transform Mph in Km/h?
Options -> Display -> Use Mph Speed Units
06-20-2010, 06:44 PM,

I have one analogic Whell Logitech Formula EAX

i have adjusted sped effect to 50 %
and adlust max angle steering in .car to 45 : it's good for race.

But in big turn : when I press handbrake : I have'nt no effect.
06-20-2010, 10:12 PM,
Sylvain_07 Wrote:when I press handbrake : I have'nt no effect.

Open file data/cars/XX/ in a text editor (where XX is the car name). Find the line that is something like "handbrake=1.0" and multiply the value by a factor of 2. Save the file, reload VDrift, see if your new value works, adjust as necessary. :-)
06-21-2010, 05:34 AM,

handbrake work unicaly for CS car.

other car not works.

If I up handbrake number : it's no work more.

on I have :

[ brakes-rear ]

friction = 1.13

max-pressure = 2.0e6

bias = 0.57

radius = 0.14

area = 0.015

handbrake = 1.0

I have writing the same value for other car :
for a few car it's work, other it's not work.

06-21-2010, 07:20 AM,
I think there has been a bug in the handbrake calculation. Joe fixed it in r2583.
Quote:Handbrake now applies only to the wheels that are set for it in the .car file, as originally intended.

Sylvain_07 are you interested in testing the latest version? Check out the trunk and give it a try.
06-21-2010, 12:02 PM,
:x Latest devellopment not launch :

Quote:sylvain-sa@Sylvain-SA:/usr/local/bin$ vdrift
INFO: Multi-processor system detected. Run with -multithreaded argument to enable multithreading (EXPERIMENTAL).
INFO: Starting VDrift: development-full, Version: 2810, O/S: Unix-like
INFO: Home directory: /home/sylvain-sa
INFO: Settings file: /home/sylvain-sa/.vdrift/VDrift.config
INFO: Data directory: /usr/local/share/games/vdrift/data
DATA_DIR: /usr/local/share/games/vdrift/data
INFO: Log file: /home/sylvain-sa/.vdrift/log.txt
INFO: The last VDrift startup was unsuccessful.
Settings have been set to failsafe defaults.
Your original VDrift.config file was backed up to VDrift.config.backup
INFO: SDL initialization successful
INFO: SDL video query was successful
INFO: Disabling antialiasing
INFO: Display change was successful: 800x600x16 16z fullscreen=0
INFO: Video card information:
Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Renderer: GeForce 8800 GT/PCI/SSE2
Version: 3.2.0 NVIDIA 195.36.24
Maximum texture size: 8192
Maximum varying floats: 60
Using GLEW 1.5.2
INFO: Maximum color attachments: 8
INFO: Maximum draw buffers (1 required): 8
INFO: Disabling shaders
ERROR: Unable to open graphics config file: /usr/local/share/games/vdrift/data/shaders/render.conf.noshaders
ERROR: Error loading non-shader render configuration file: /usr/local/share/games/vdrift/data/shaders/render.conf.noshaders
vdrift: src/graphics.cpp:697: void GRAPHICS_SDLGL:Big GrinisableShaders(const std:Confusedtring&, std::ostream&): Assertion `0' failed.
SIGABRT detected, releasing the mouse

have repertory /usr/local/share/games/vdrift/data/shaders/

but haven't file /usr/local/share/games/vdrift/data/shaders/render.conf.noshaders

06-21-2010, 12:14 PM,
You need the latest data.
Quote:cd /home/user/code
svn co vdrift-data
ln -sf /home/user/code/vdrift-data /home/user/code/vdrift/data
Change the paths to fit your setup.

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