1) in ubuntu.fr it's writed : It's possible to play Vdrift on lan or Ipdirect.
how have to do to play lan ? :
I don't see lan game.
2) It's very hard to drive correctly :
the cars turn smoly left or right, or they're slide more and spin.
Isn't à just midle?
Isn't possible to have a more happy control : more turn cars and more adherence, and less slide ?
Quote:in ubuntu.fr it's writed : It's possible to play Vdrift on lan or Ipdirect.
Not with vdrift 2009-06-15 I think.
Quote:It's very hard to drive correctly
Are you playing with analog controller or keyboard?
Enable TCS/ABS, adjust Speed Effect on Steering, Button Delay.
Modify car parameters (.car file) http://wiki.vdrift.net/Car_parameters
Sylvain_07 Wrote:when I press handbrake : I have'nt no effect.
Open file data/cars/XX/XX.car in a text editor (where XX is the car name). Find the line that is something like "handbrake=1.0" and multiply the value by a factor of 2. Save the file, reload VDrift, see if your new value works, adjust as necessary. :-)