03-20-2010, 02:18 PM,
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the segments around the tire are adjustable. i've done 3 segment tri-angular wheels, and the highest was like 1024 segment super smooth.
the segments for the sidewalls and treads are not adjustable. i'm sure this would be do-able. but i think the function will need to have an arbitrary amount of 2d vectors to define the sidewall bulge.
i was thinking we'd (i'd) have to rebuild all the existing rim meshes. make them all have a 1meter radius (maybe a 1m depth as well for simplicities sake) and then get scaled. if the importer can get the wheel back into blender, than this should be just a little tedious. i envision each car having its own default rim-style(s). and then a whole bunch of after-market styles. and yeah, all would be done by hand.
do you think i should build a similar mesh construction function for the outer edge of the rim? and how about the brake rotor.
also, been pondering lod. because the tire is the tough one and is out of the way. it should be fairly easy to write low-lod functions for all of these too. the tire lod would have an outside wall, and a tread. the rim edge the same. and the brake-rotor-lod could even use an alpha-blended textured quad (with the same texture as the regular rotor.
here's the app with source if you want to look it over
edit - that code is a little bit messy - mostly 'cause of some half-written uncalled functions and that don't do anything yet. and it includes GLee (which isn't used at all).
03-23-2010, 10:41 PM,
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i guess i'll give it a try.
i put a sketch up on other circular things that should be not-to-bad to generate in code.
the sketch is here too. the direct url looked nasty
04-25-2010, 06:45 AM,
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Idea about repo: cars.vdrift.net
04-25-2010, 03:01 PM,
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You should put the .blend files into the VDrift-art repo:
Feel free to create a new folder for rims or organize however you want.
I think I gave you access to it when I gave you access to the other repos, but send me a PM if not.
I think modeling the rim at a standard size that looks good and can be resized in code sounds great.
04-29-2010, 02:31 PM,
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progress report
progress report:
all the way up to the MI on importing and resizing. the importer brings them in with their normals flipped, so i've been flipping them back. not really a bother, just wanted to mention it in case it means i'm doing something wrong.
wikipedia says the term "rims" is a misnomer for "alloy wheels" so i've been doing my best to change the way i say it and the way i name the files.
here's a list of cars i've encountered with shared rim...er, _wheels_
360, 350z = pentagonal_hub
g4, gt, gtr = 10_spoke
m3, m3d = 5_spoke_magwheels
3s, m7, m8 = 5_spoke
fe, tl = snowflake
when there's a shared wheel, i'm putting it in the carparts/wheels/blender_files directory
when the wheel is not shared i'm putting it in cardir/blender_files/oem_wheel.blend. with the hope that we get each car eventually having a true oem style in its own directory and then aftermarket wheels which can be put on any car.
i've got lots of design questions relating to texturing, and mesh positioning,, they'll have to be answered at some point. but thinking about all of them is a little daunting 'cause there are so many. maybe best to wrestle with them after integration.
edit: can't get the RS2's wheels to import:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/zimluura/.blender/scripts/import-joe.py", line 64, in bevent
joe.to_mesh(Blender.sys.basename(g_joe_filename.val), image)
File "/home/zimluura/.blender/scripts/vdrift.py", line 318, in to_mesh
self.frames[i].to_mesh(name, image)
File "/home/zimluura/.blender/scripts/vdrift.py", line 266, in to_mesh
uv = [Vector(self.texcoords[ti[0]].uv()), Vector(self.texcoords[ti[1]].uv()), Vector(self.texcoords[ti[2]].uv())]
if it's not a big deal we can just point it to one of the shared wheels.
04-30-2010, 02:18 AM,
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Quote:there are lots of duplicate vertexes after an import
"Remove Doubles" in Edit Mode should be fine. Could you try to export a wheel without double vertices and reimport it again. Just to check if the exporter/importer is the problem.
Quote:can't get the RS2's wheels to import
I'll look into it asap.
04-30-2010, 01:55 PM,
Posting Freak
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Quote:can't get the RS2's wheels to import
This was because the wheel mesh doesn't have texture coordinates. When I rewrote the exporter/importer I assumed that all joe meshes would have texture coordinates. I updated vdrift.py to support joe files without texture coordinates.
Quote:had their normals flipped
This happened due to a bug in the old exporter.
Quote:does vdrift modify the .joe file
Quote:does the joe importer import normals?
It will import vertices, normals and texture coordinates.