OK, playing around with this car a little I see it does a very odd thing. When the car is reset, it falls to the ground but stops just short. Then it sinks slowly down to the ground as if it were in some kind of quicksand. Until the tires are fully on the ground they don't make contact with the road. As the wheels "sink" to the ground the speedometer moves from 0 MPH to about 103 MPH (though the car is still not moving). Any speed gained is added to 103 MPH. When I drive around in it, the car's speed jumps up about 40 MPH suddenly if I run over a bump strip, then goes back down again. Here's a
screenshot of me going down the hill on Road Altanta in 6th gear, this should be much slower than 175 though...Otherwise, the car is fine except for an over-tendency for the rear to slide out while turning and accelerating. I'm thinking the reason this car is different from the others and "sinks" down to the road because the model sits on top of it's "center pont" instead of that point being in the middle of the model. This also causes the car to look higher up than the other cars in the Select Car menu.This car is a true monster...it weighs less than the XS but is more powerful than the GT. Once tuned right it should be a nice drift car.Personally, I still want to see something like a 6-cylinder M3 in the game. The V8 is quite powerful, maybe too much so. A 6 would provide better competition with the other cars (and be more like a normal M3). If we could get something like the GTR but without the wing and ground effects, we could call that the XMR and have a regular XM.