Mouse car control (as Racer or Vamos)
Well, in my opinion showing the mouse pointer during gameplay ruins the immersion into the game world that the player should experience while playing. However, the fact that someone wants this feature tells me that perhaps we should add an option for it, as well as an option to turn off the on-screen mouse control indicators.What I'd really like to do most though is make those control indicators easier to see. I sort of borrowed the idea for those from Live For Speed. In this game when you use mouse controls it shows a white arc at the bottom of the screen with a black box in it that slides back and forth on the arc as the mouse moves left to right. They don't have an acceleration/brake indicator. Instead they use the left mouse button for gas and right for brake. I'd like VDrift to be able to use the buttons like this too, as well as shifting with the scroll wheel. I'd also like to have something easy to see while driving like their arc, but without totally ripping off the way they did it.