If you dont have the pacejka editor or just want to edit small bits by hand, here is the explanation of each setting.
Quote: Shape factor ........................................... A0
Load infl. on lat. friction coeff (*1000)... (1/kN) .... A1
Lateral friction coefficient at load = 0 (*1000) ....... A2
Maximum stiffness ........................ (N/deg) ..... A3
Load at maximum stiffness ................ (kN) ........ A4
Camber infiuence on stiffness ............ (%/deg/100) . A5
Curvature change with load ............................. A6
Curvature at load = 0 .................................. A7
Horizontal shift because of camber ........(deg/deg).... A8
Load influence on horizontal shift ........(deg/kN)..... A9
Horizontal shift at load = 0 ..............(deg)........ A10
Camber influence on vertical shift ........(N/deg/kN)... A111
Camber influence on vertical shift ........(N/deg/kN**2) A112
Load influence on vertical shift ..........(N/kN)....... A12
Vertical shift at load = 0 ................(N).......... A13
Shape factor ........................................... B0
Load infl. on long. friction coeff (*1000)... (1/kN) ... B1
Longitudinal friction coefficient at load = 0 (*1000)... B2
Curvature factor of stiffness ............ (N/%/kN**2) . B3
Change of stiffness with load at load = 0 (N/%/kN) .... B4
Change of progressivity of stiffness/load (1/kN) ...... B5
Curvature change with load ............................. B6
Curvature change with load ............................. B7
Curvature at load = 0 .................................. B8
Load influence on horizontal shift ....... (%/kN) ...... B9
Horizontal shift at load = 0 ............. (%) ......... B10
Load influence on vertical shift ......... (N/kN) ...... B11
Vertical shift at load = 0 ............... (N) ......... B12
Shape factor ........................................... C0
Load influence of peak value ............ (Nm/kN**2) ... C1
Load influence of peak value ............ (Nm/kN) ...... C2
Curvature factor of stiffness ........... (Nm/deg/kN**2) C3
Change of stiffness with load at load = 0 (Nm/deg/kN) .. C4
Change of progressivity of stiffness/load (1/kN) ....... C5
Camber influence on stiffness ........... (%/deg/100) .. C6
Curvature change with load ............................. C7
Curvature change with load ............................. C8
Curvature at load = 0 .................................. C9
Camber influence of stiffness .......................... C10
Camber influence on horizontal shift......(deg/deg)..... C11
Load influence on horizontal shift........(deg/kN)...... C12
Horizontal shift at load = 0..............(deg)......... C13
Camber influence on vertical shift........(Nm/deg/kN**2) C14
Camber influence on vertical shift........(Nm/deg/kN)... C15
Load influence on vertical shift..........(Nm/kN)....... C16
Vertical shift at load = 0................(Nm).......... C17