Tracks, RARS track editor
I agree that we need more tracks, as well as more scenery. I'll start going through the tracks, picking out the best ones and trying to make some terrain. Tangent: scenery.I think the best way to handle scenery would be to have generic object-model support - some way for track authors to simply put a position in a text file along with a position for the object. Also of course there will need to be a way to specify the filenames of the model and accompanying texture. The x and y coords should be specifiable in the text file and the z coord should be figured out automatically from the terrain. The object's center point should be positioned on the ground (this way we don't have to worry about height of the object or figuring out where its base is relative to its center point etc...). Coordinates should (I guess) correspond to the coords on the terrain map, only they should be floating-point so we're not confined to a grid.Joe, if you add this kind of generic scenery object support I will get cracking on simple models of trees, bushes, billboards, buildings, fences, barrels, stacks of tires, and whatever else I can think of.