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Building tracks
08-10-2006, 09:42 PM,
kcid Wrote:1 units: When I build a car in blender every blender plane is 1 meter. If I was to build a racetrack and it has a long straight of about 1.2 miles (Daytona) then I just doesn't fit into blender. So shoud I just build a track on scale of 1:50 for example?

Make sure that prior to exporting the track, 1 blender unit is 1 meter. 1.2 miles is about 2000 meters... I would be very surprised if blender can't handle that.

kcid Wrote:2: Do I make the track as 1 total model like a body of a car, I mean that if I go into edit mode everything is the same object?

No, don't make the whole track the same object. Break up the track into separate objects in a way that makes sense (i.e. a single object for a single tree). In addition, break up any large objects that A) take up a lot of space and B) have a lot of polys (more than a few hundred) into multiple objects, and break them up based on the location. For example, if you have a huge curvy road with thousands of faces, break it down into several smaller objects a few hundred meters at a time. The reason for doing all of this is because it will improve performance. VDrift does view frustum culling per object, which means that it doesn't draw objects that the camera isn't looking at. If the camera sees any part of the object, though, it draws the whole thing -- that's why you don't want a lot of big objects with lots of polygons; because you'll end up drawing the whole thing even if the camera is only looking at a small part of it. There are no limitations on the number of objects you break things down into, and VDrift can handle up to about 10,000 objects before you lose the performance advantage. Also note that only one texture can be assigned to each object (UV-mapped like with cars), but different objects can share the same texture.

kcid Wrote:3: Do we have a approximate of how many faces I can use for a track?

For a fast track, try to keep under 10K or 20K faces on the screen at any time. For the whole track I'd say keep it under 100K faces. These are just guesses; I'll try to get you the actual number of faces in our current tracks.

kcid Wrote:4: How do I import the track to Vdrift? Like a car? Just export with the export script as one file? Put it in a track folder and try to run it?

Check out this post:

Once your track is modelled, I'm going to have to write you a better export script (so you don't have to export one object at a time). Once we get the process worked out, you'd end up on the step "Open track editor /data/tracks/editor.config and set active track to TRACKEDITOR_TP" in the post I linked to above. One thing to keep in mind: make sure your texture names and object names are all lowercase and have no spaces.

Good luck!

Messages In This Thread
Building tracks - by kcid - 08-10-2006, 03:59 PM
Building tracks - by kcid - 08-10-2006, 03:59 PM
Re: Building tracks - by thelusiv - 08-10-2006, 04:28 PM
Re: Building tracks - by thelusiv - 08-10-2006, 04:28 PM
[No subject] - by joevenzon_phpbb2_import3 - 08-10-2006, 09:42 PM
[No subject] - by joevenzon_phpbb2_import3 - 08-10-2006, 09:42 PM

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