(02-18-2018, 09:58 AM)arturo Wrote: Hi NaN, I have a somewhat different error here:
ERROR: Linking of shader program failed:
error: vertex shader output `eyespacePosition' has invariant qualifier, but fragment shader input lacks invariant qualifier
ERROR: Unable to create shader program
ERROR: Initialization of GL3 renderer failed; that's OK, falling back to GL 1 or 2
Is there a solution?
Not sure. From what I see the invariant qualifier is only used on gl_Position.
The latest OpenGL spec also says that only outputs can be marked invariant, inputs don't have to.
Try removing "invariant gl_Position;" from the vert files in shaders gl3, to see what happens.
If this doesn't work, try replacing "in vec3 eyespacePosition;" with "invariant in vec3 eyespacePosition;" in the frag files.