This is still coming along far, I have been writing it as a single module full of functions, rather than classes, because I wasn't sure the best way to structure it. Now I have a pretty good idea, but I'm going to continue hacking in this fashion until I have a basic version of all the functionality needed. After that I'll refactor it all, and integrate it more closely with
In vdrift-art r159, I have begun implementing the export function and added a way to add/edit/delete start points. The idea here is to create camera objects, place them at the desired start points, then tell the script the ids of the objects. Later, I hope to set the script up to also manipulate the camera objects themselves when defining start points, rather than just remember the id.
So to finish this up I need to do the following (in this order):
- Track Objects - add default properties
- Road Segments - not sure how to tackle this one...
- Lap Sequences
- Export
- Import
A few questions:
- What is the "start orientation-w" parameter in track.txt? I understand the other start-related parameters...not sure how to get that one.
- What other track.txt parameters are available? I have noticed "vertical tracking skyboxes", didn't know that was there.
- What is the best way to generate roads.trk from a given road mesh object?
- Is there a limit to the number of vertices wide a road can be? The old track editor only allows the width to be 2, 3, or 4. Is 4 the limit or could it be more? (BTB makes its roads 5 vertices wide).
- Am I correct that a Lap Sequence is defined by two points, which make a line segment, and timing starts/stops when this segment is crossed by the vehicle?
I could probably just read code to figure these out, but I want to make sure to avoid any deprecated functionality which hasn't been removed, and get some context about where these things might be headed in the future.