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start race button doesn't work
03-08-2009, 03:07 AM,
start race button doesn't work

i have an ubuntu laptop (dell).
i installed vdrift with scons.
i can start the game ande choose a car, opponents etc...
when i press the 'start race' button; nothing happens.

i put shaders off

any idea what is going wrong?

03-09-2009, 08:52 PM,
Can you open VDrift, try to start a single race, and then copy and paste your ~/.vdrift/log.txt file here? The reason the game is failing to load the single race should be explained in that file.
03-10-2009, 01:48 AM,

here is my ~/.vdrift/log.txt

INFO: Starting VDrift: 2009-03-07-full, Version: , O/S: Unix-like
INFO: Home directory: /home/test
INFO: Settings file: /home/test/.vdrift/VDrift.config
INFO: Data directory: /usr/share/games/vdrift/data
INFO: Log file: /home/test/.vdrift/log.txt
INFO: SDL initialization successful
INFO: SDL video query was successful
INFO: Disabling antialiasing
INFO: Display change was successful: 1024x768x32 24z fullscreen=1
ERROR: You don't have an NVIDIA or ATI/AMD card. VDrift may not run correctly or at all.
INFO: Video card information:
Vendor: Tungsten Graphics, Inc
Renderer: Mesa DRI Intel® 915GM 20061017 x86/MMX/SSE2
Version: 1.3 Mesa 7.0.3-rc2
Maximum texture size: 2048
Using GLEW 1.5.0
INFO: Disabling shaders
INFO: Maximum anisotropy: 2
INFO: 0 joysticks found.
INFO: Loading car controls from: /home/test/.vdrift/controls.config
INFO: Sound initialization information:
INFO: Obtained audio device:
Frequency: 44100
Format: 32784
Bits per sample: 16
Channels: 2
Silence: 0
Samples: 940
Size: 3760
Sound initialization successful
INFO: Loaded fonts successfully
ERROR: /usr/share/games/vdrift/data/skins/simple/menus/AutoX: unknown widget-04 type: designer, ignoring
ERROR: /usr/share/games/vdrift/data/skins/simple/menus/Designer: unknown widget-01 type: designer, ignoring
ERROR: /usr/share/games/vdrift/data/skins/simple/menus/InGameJoystickCalibrate: unknown widget-03 type: calibrate, ignoring
ERROR: /usr/share/games/vdrift/data/skins/simple/menus/InGameJoystickCalibrate: unknown hook reference to InGameJoystickCalibration
ERROR: /usr/share/games/vdrift/data/skins/simple/menus/JoystickCalibrate: unknown widget-03 type: calibrate, ignoring
ERROR: /usr/share/games/vdrift/data/skins/simple/menus/JoystickCalibrate: unknown hook reference to JoystickCalibration
ERROR: /usr/share/games/vdrift/data/skins/simple/menus/NetworkGame: unknown widget-06 type: textbox, ignoring
ERROR: /usr/share/games/vdrift/data/skins/simple/menus/NetworkGame: unknown widget-07 type: textbox, ignoring
INFO: Loaded GUI successfully
INFO: Loading track from path: /usr/share/games/vdrift/data/tracks/bahrain
INFO: Track timing sectors: 2
ERROR: Error loading texture file: /usr/share/games/vdrift/data/textures/effects/racingline.png
ERROR: Error loading track: bahrain
ERROR: Error during track loading: bahrain
INFO: Loading track from path: /usr/share/games/vdrift/data/tracks/bahrain
INFO: Track timing sectors: 2
ERROR: Error loading texture file: /usr/share/games/vdrift/data/textures/effects/racingline.png
ERROR: Error loading track: bahrain
ERROR: Error during track loading: bahrain
INFO: Got quit message from GUI. Shutting down...
INFO: Shutting down...
INFO: Exiting
03-10-2009, 05:54 AM,
i would say you lack some textures there.
i for myself built vdrift via scons, and then had to copy the data directory from the build directory manually to the right spot (/usr/share/games/vdrift)

just cd into the build directory and do a:

sudo cp -r data/ /usr/share/games/vdrift/

or open a root session of nautilus via ALT+F2, enter "gksudo nautilus" and then copy it via file browser.

hopefully this helps Smile
03-10-2009, 02:41 PM,
it works!!!!
it works perfectly thanks very much!!!!!

just one thing: ik works very slow; but i think this is a hardware issue?

i think i have 1,5 G ram so i don't think that's the problem; perhaps the graph card?
03-10-2009, 03:42 PM,
My guess would be your graphics card is slow... VDrift works best with an NVidia or ATI brand card.

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