zimluura Wrote:any chance vdrift draws wheels differently? i mean, i doubt it. but uhh. this is quite a conundrum.
i'll commit my slightly more recent tc6. with the wheels i just flipped.
i'll also put in the .blend file (with wheels that look great in blender and bad in vdrift...for me at least) so you can tell me if blender is doing something different on linux. blender seems to have saved texture paths absolutely so the textures will probably start out missing.
I see the same behavior -- it looks right in Blender and wrong in VDrift, or it looks wrong in Blender and right in VDrift. No idea what's going on.
Also, playing with the TC6 I noticed that it'll stall if you let it idle for a while. You might need to turn up the engine.idle value in the .car file.