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No replays
08-16-2008, 07:52 PM,
No replays
Hi and thanks for Vdrift!
I got version 2008-08-05 compiled on debian sid amd64.
Seems to run well but I am car sim newbie...

My issue is that I can't get replays working.
I can see /home/norv/.vdrift/replays and there is a large file in there 1.vdr.
But when I click on Replays in the menu it doesn't show 1.vdr and says that no replays have been recorded. I have enabl3ed Record mode in the menu.

I CAN see screenshots.
08-19-2008, 06:34 PM,
OK I have investigated a little further..

If I set Vdrift to Record game it records 1.vdr in /home/norv/.vdrift/replays.
Each time it records it does a new 1.vdr ie. the old one gets written over.
1.vdr does not show up on the replays page and if I click on Play replay it says:

"There is no replay recorded"

Can I get Vdrift to play 1.vdr from the command line? Or can I play 1.vdr with Mplayer or something?

Thanks in advance...

PS: version 2008-08-05 on debian sid amd64
08-20-2008, 11:56 AM,
Ack, you're right, something's not working right with the replay selection. The writing of replays seems to work fine, though. Can you post the [game] section of your ~/.vdrift/VDrift.config file?
08-20-2008, 06:59 PM,
Can do...

[ game ]
antilock = on
camera_mode = 3
car_paint = 0
game_mode = 0
ghost = off
num_replays = 0
num_shots = 5
number_of_laps = 1
opponent = T73
opponents = XS
record = on
reverse = off
selected_car = GT
selected_replay = 0
track = melbourne
traction_control = on
08-20-2008, 07:22 PM,
If I run .../vdrift -verbose
I get this message when I try to play replay

No values, can't save setting: game.selected_replay
08-21-2008, 01:39 AM,
Go in and manually set num_replays and selected_replay both to 1... see if that makes the replay menu work.
08-21-2008, 03:20 AM,
Yep, did that and now the replay menu shows "1" and when I click it, it plays.
Shows camera angle chosen for game, and you can't switch camera angles in the replay. Maybe that's how it's supposed to work, I am car sim newbie..?
Anyway, thanks Joe!
08-21-2008, 11:25 AM,
Well, the intent was for different cameras to be selectable for the replays, but ... maybe that'll be fixed in a future release.

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