Ok I went and downloaded the game and installed it but when I try to play it brings up the command promt type thing for a brief second then nothing. I would really like to play what do I do?
Nevermind. I just checked out the 2-8-08 windows release myself. It's missing some files, which is causing the crashes. I'll make a new release later today or tomorrow... standby.
Well I bought my computer brand new and it has Windows Vista Home Basic installed on it.
This is what it says on the stdout text file in the exe file is:
Run with -verbose for troubleshooting.
Run with -nosound to disable sound.
Run with -benchmark to play a replay and output benchmark data.
0 joystick(s) found:
Extension not supported: GL_ARB_multisample
Extension not supported: GL_EXT_framebuffer_object
and this is what it says on the stderr file (I'm not sure if I spelled it right):
Card supports: drawbuf6815884 auxbuf0 anisotropy2 cubemapping shaders multitexturing16(8) texture_rectangle depth_texture shadow
Card does not support: antialiasing framebuffer_objects
Status: Using GLEW 1.4.0
OpenGL error during graphics init
Fragment shaders enabled
I just downloaded and installed the newist version of the game today and it still does the same thing.
My guess is that you probably have an intel graphics card, which tends to cause crashes with VDrift. I think you can work around it by editing your vdrift config file to disable shaders. So, open up C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\.vdrift\VDrift.config in notepad, search for "shaders" and set shaders = 0. See if that works.