07-08-2007, 08:33 AM,
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good! ;-)
while you are at it, how about removing unused files like sound.cpp.openal/fmod?
>Just wanted to let everyone know for other build setups etc.
i'm trying to get trunk running on Mac OS X again now, a few notes:
⢠it seems changes like "GL_MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS" require Mac OS X 10.4 instead of 10.3 (at least i couldn't get it to compile against the 10.3. SDK in my limited trying yesterday). if you think this is a bad problem speak up now, since i don't - by the time we do our next release, 10.5 will just around the corner and Apple will end support for 10.3.
⢠are you sure there were no errors merging the branch to trunk? it seems to me like some of the precompiled header changes were lost, but i can't verify it now since svnweb is down. (likely i'm just confused, though, end everything is fine
⢠i just wanted to commit some fixes but i can't seem to authenticate anymore...
⢠i have some problems producing a universal binary and especially an proper "framework" out of ODE, but more importantly right now coplanar_tri_tri() from utility.cpp collides with the one from ODE...how should i handle that? also is it ok to use ODE 0.8?
07-09-2007, 02:27 PM,
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ok i commited my fixes now, if there are any problems just revert them and tell me to find another way ;-) i'm especially not sure about the type changes in shader.h but without them i get 50+ errors in shader.cpp...
it compiles now again but when trying to run i get this...any ideas?
Code: Card supports: drawbuf4 auxbuf0 multitexturing8 antialiasing anisotropy16 cubemapping shaders texture_rectangle depth_texture shadow
Card does not support:
Fragment shaders enabled
Loaded shader package simple
Loaded shader package simplerect
----- Start Shader Log for full -----
ERROR: One or more attached shaders not successfully compiled
----- End Shader Log for full -----
Loaded shader package full
----- Start Shader Log for full-nospecular -----
ERROR: One or more attached shaders not successfully compiled
----- End Shader Log for full-nospecular -----
Loaded shader package full-nospecular
----- Start Shader Log for full-nometallic -----
ERROR: One or more attached shaders not successfully compiled
----- End Shader Log for full-nometallic -----
Loaded shader package full-nometallic
Loaded shader package blurpass
Loaded shader package bloompass
Loaded shader package hblur_rect
Loaded shader package vblur_rect
----- Start Shader Log for depthgen -----
ERROR: One or more attached shaders not successfully compiled
----- End Shader Log for depthgen -----
Loaded shader package depthgen
----- Start Shader Log for shadowpass -----
ERROR: One or more attached shaders not successfully compiled
----- End Shader Log for shadowpass -----
Loaded shader package shadowpass
Obtained audio device:
Frequency: 44100
Format: 32784
Bits per sample: 16
Channels: 2
Silence: 0
Samples: 1024
Size: 4096
EXCEPTION: [...]shader.cpp, line 273: Error on parameter upload for "depthoffset"
07-09-2007, 11:21 PM,
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It looks like there are some compilation errors with the shaders. What sort of graphics card do you have? With my NVIDIA card on Linux, the drivers have nice helpful output such as
Code: ----- Start Shader Log for full -----
Fragment info
(91) : error C0000: syntax error, unexpected type identifier, expecting ';' or ',' at token "vec3"
(91) : error C0501: type name expected at token "vec3"
----- End Shader Log for full -----
Instead of just "One or more attached shaders not successfully compiled"... which isn't very helpful.
Anyway, I checked in a change in R1761 that disables shaders if there's a compile error. That should get you loaded up and into the game, although it won't look as pretty.
07-10-2007, 03:00 PM,
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joevenzon Wrote:What sort of graphics card do you have? it's an ATI Radeon X1900 XT
joevenzon Wrote:Anyway, I checked in a change in R1761 that disables shaders if there's a compile error. That should get you loaded up and into the game, although it won't look as pretty. thanks that worked ;-)
07-11-2007, 02:00 PM,
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joevenzon Wrote:I believe your card is more than sufficient do display the shaders. I'm not sure why they're failing to compile!
vec3 normal = (mat3(gl_TextureMatrix[1]) * gl_NormalMatrix) * gl_Normal;
ERROR: 0:11: 'constructor' : constructing matrix from matrix (reserved)
normal = (mat3(gl_TextureMatrix[1]) * gl_NormalMatrix) * gl_Normal;
ERROR: 0:36: 'constructor' : constructing matrix from matrix (reserved)
etcetc, this error occurs in many vertex shaders...
sampler2DShadow samp[4];
samp[0] = tu0_2D;
samp[1] = tu1_2D;
samp[2] = tu2_2D;
ERROR: 0:25: 'sampler2DShadow' : samplers must be uniform
ERROR: 0:26: 'assign' : l-value required "samp" (can't modify a sampler)
ERROR: 0:26: 'assign' : cannot convert from 'uniform sampler2DShadow' to 'sampler2DShadow'
ERROR: 0:27: 'assign' : l-value required "samp" (can't modify a sampler)
ERROR: 0:27: 'assign' : cannot convert from 'uniform sampler2DShadow' to 'sampler2DShadow'
ERROR: 0:28: 'assign' : l-value required "samp" (can't modify a sampler)
ERROR: 0:28: 'assign' : cannot convert from 'uniform sampler2DShadow' to 'sampler2DShadow'
07-11-2007, 04:12 PM,
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Posts: 358
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thelusiv Wrote:Are you sure your card supports vertex shaders?
yes ;-)
edit: i guess it complains in the vertex case because mat3() takes 3 arguments but is supplied only one:
mat3(vec3, vec3, vec3); // one column per argument
if i replace gl_TextureMatrix[1] with gl_TextureMatrix[1][0], gl_TextureMatrix[1][1], gl_TextureMatrix[1][2] it compiles, but i have no clue if it does what it is intendet