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*Warning, Windows XP may be the minimum requirement!*
04-01-2007, 03:00 PM,
*Warning, Windows XP may be the minimum requirement!*
VDrift is fine under Windows XP Pro SP2.

Under Windows 2000, you will get a DLL error from Windows, about MSVCR80.DLL being missing!

But, here's the catch, I wasn't able to install the Microsoft Visual C++ 8 runtimes, because the MSI installer refused to continue, saying that a DLL required for Microsoft Visual C++ 8 is missing.

But that may just be because of my customized Windows 2000.

Just giving a heads up, just in case the same problem occurs with all Windows 2000 installations.
04-01-2007, 08:27 PM,
Well I already responded to your other topic but what they heck.

So, do you get this error when you run the installer, or when you run VDrift? As I said in the other thread I can't imagine why you'd need MS Visual anything, since this was built on all free software. But maybe the installation system requires this DLL...
04-01-2007, 09:07 PM,
msvcr80.dll is required by the win32 build of vdrift. (I tried running vdrift under wine and got the message.)

You can download the dll here:
04-03-2007, 04:47 PM,
yochenhsieh Wrote:msvcr80.dll is required by the win32 build of vdrift. (I tried running vdrift under wine and got the message.)

You can download the dll here:

I did that. But I just gotten a different error message from Windows 2000, an entry point not found error for MSVCR80.DLL. The DLL seems to not be the right one!
04-03-2007, 08:46 PM,
Hmmm, strange that the file didn't work for you. Make sure to delete the new file that didn't work so it doesn't conflict with other things.

Where did you try putting the file? In the VDrift directory or in the Windows system32 directory?
04-03-2007, 09:44 PM,
thelusiv Wrote:Hmmm, strange that the file didn't work for you. Make sure to delete the new file that didn't work so it doesn't conflict with other things.

Where did you try putting the file? In the VDrift directory or in the Windows system32 directory?

I deleted it pronto. Also, it found it, but seemed that the DLL was missing a function!
04-04-2007, 07:57 AM,
please redownload and reinstall the minimal package and see if it works.
04-05-2007, 07:39 PM,
Tried out the new Windows package yet?

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