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Controller setup
11-11-2006, 09:45 AM,
Controller setup
I'm not able to change controller.
I should try to use mouse or wheel, but the option seems to be blocked.
Where I can change this setup.

Thanks. pwp71.
11-11-2006, 04:49 PM,
i must say that the graphic of vdrift is very good, but the steering is terible!!!!! to stear with the mouse is unbeliveble and i cannot drive with the keybord. please make that better in the new version.
of course this game has potential but i think at the moment is TORCS better than this game. :roll:
11-11-2006, 04:53 PM,
Re: Controller setup
pwp71 Wrote:I'm not able to change controller.
I should try to use mouse or wheel, but the option seems to be blocked.
Where I can change this setup.

Thanks. pwp71.
In the menus, Options -> Controls -> Assign Controls -> Car Controls. Simply click the + button by the control you wish to change, and move your mouse, or your wheel, or whatever you want to use. That's it.
11-11-2006, 04:57 PM,
kredig_bourton Wrote:i must say that the graphic of vdrift is very good, but the steering is terible!!!!! to stear with the mouse is unbeliveble and i cannot drive with the keybord. please make that better in the new version.
of course this game has potential but i think at the moment is TORCS better than this game. :roll:
Keyboard steering has been vastly improved for next version already. We have ABS, TCS, something to make sure that key/button controls are applied more smoothly, and a bunch of other little things...

For now, if you want to improve mouse control, change the "Touchiness Compensation" option under Options -> Controls -> Joystick Options. This actually affects all controls, not just joysticks (and has been moved to Options -> Controls for next version). With this you have several different options for making it easier to steer with any control.
11-11-2006, 06:36 PM,
kredig_bourton Wrote:at the moment is TORCS better than this game.

Disagree one billion percent.

Torcs you can drive without using the steering at all - just mash the throttle and let the car careen from armco to armco.
11-12-2006, 06:05 AM,
I never tried playing TORCS like that. Way off topic, has anyone else tried TORCS 1.3.0? It was released recently.

Personally, I don't care who thinks TORCS is better or who thinks VDrift is better, any more than it I care about how good people think VDrift is compared to Forza or Gran Turismo or Live for Speed or Grand Prix Legends or Trackmania Nations, or any of the other thousands of racing games out there.

Anyway, of course TORCS is better than VDrift...according to their FAQ this project should never have bothered to exist. Tongue Personally I think this statement is a misunderstanding of free software, which to me means that sometimes many projects must die for a few good ones to survive. I think the open source software world parallels biological evolution in many ways. Anyway...

TORCS does have quite a few features that VDrift doesn't yet. On the other hand we have some features they don't have as well. I don't know much about the TORCS physics engine so I can't comment on the quality of the simulation in terms of realism, but for some reason VDrift has always felt better to me. It's hard to quantify really.

So make up your own mind which is better, it's all very subjective really.
11-13-2006, 01:54 PM,
now works. I believed that the control was automatically set.
I'll test it and then I give you my feed-back.

Good Work. pwp71.

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