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Car Data
07-26-2006, 11:43 PM,
Yeah, I know, it's a little weird that the cars aren't all set up for drifting, and the tracks don't allow you much endless pavement where you have space to drift... We used to have a big open track and no one has gotten around to making a new one yet for the new track system. I'll put it on the list...
07-26-2006, 11:48 PM,
but yea i can give you the power estimates for the customization aspect of the game i dont know if any of yall ever played drag racer online v.3 but that had a basic but very detailed customization thing that made it awesome as in buying parts. But i have a room full of part catalogs and resources to find you and part visual or performance and its benefits to the cosmetic aspect and performance aspect so i can get you the items and sometimes pictures and the performance gain but the game needs to get a hp, torque based car rating system to make it more detailed
07-26-2006, 11:51 PM,
i have another question who is the main level/track desinger who does the actual programming it into the game
07-26-2006, 11:58 PM,
customcreationav Wrote:I have a g force sensor that goes on the car im using and i put the car in certain positions while driving and it gives me the weight transfers and data about the weight
I've been wondering if there was anything we could do with this kind of data...Trackpedia now has a bunch of data sets with gforce readouts for a given car around a whole track.
07-27-2006, 12:02 AM,
are there any features yall have that yall want like customization what kind of customization all that just tell me like a generalized customization or a full on detailed
07-27-2006, 12:06 AM,
customcreationav Wrote:i have another question who is the main level/track desinger who does the actual programming it into the game
So far Joe (who wrote the game) has imported all the current tracks from Racer tracks. The old track system was actually part of Vamos, and it came with several tracks. They were only the track itself though, sort of floating in the sky, so Joe came up with a way to draw a ground, trees, etc. around it for some scenery. He made a few tracks for that system, I made one also, and worked on others some.

It turned out to be very difficult to do this the way we were, and we switched to a fully modeled track approach. So all the tracks we have for the modeled system are all originally Racer tracks, made by the Racer community, many of them imported in some part from other games. We're actually still working on our track may be released soon...
07-27-2006, 12:08 AM,
whos heading the customization area of the game
07-27-2006, 12:12 AM,
The area that interests me alot is helping with developing the customization i can get data but i need someone that can put it in the game i have some ideas of how to incorperate it in the game too
07-27-2006, 12:13 AM,
customcreationav Wrote:are there any features yall have that yall want like customization what kind of customization all that just tell me like a generalized customization or a full on detailed
These kind of details haven't all been fleshed out yet, because while the game has the ability to switch the data of the cars already internally, we haven't done a lot in terms of setting up a way for the user to change the car parts, nor have we had much access to this kind of data (until now Smile)

So, here's the way I see it. If one could imagine a person wanting a certain modification on their car, I'm sure we'd like to make it available to them in the game. Obviously wheels and tires should be an option, various engine/transmission modifications, suspension modifications, weight modifications, etc.

Body modifications are a little bit harder, as they will require changes to the way the car looks in the game.
07-27-2006, 12:16 AM,
yea i agree but the performance aspect really is just putting data in to where as the person in the game selects it and the data changes ajusted the power and etc. its just finding out all the information and setting up a customization menu in the game
07-27-2006, 12:18 AM,
but as far as customization performance wise goes tell me how far you wanna go and i can meet it. You could go like basics like intakes, turbos, exhaust, etc. or you can get detailed pulleys cams cranks heads its a matter of your taste i think detail is the way to go therefore people can ajust asmuch as they want ya know
07-27-2006, 12:20 AM,
The menu won't be very hard, I imagine; we already have functions to load parts and all that must be done is set up a way to display them and let the user choose them. The latest release has a brand new menu system, which makes it a lot easier for us to set up new menus. I'll see if I can flesh something out soon.
07-27-2006, 12:21 AM,
customcreationav Wrote:but as far as customization performance wise goes tell me how far you wanna go and i can meet it. You could go like basics like intakes, turbos, exhaust, etc. or you can get detailed pulleys cams cranks heads its a matter of your taste i think detail is the way to go therefore people can ajust asmuch as they want ya know
I agree, detail is good, the more the merrier right? Wink I'd say start with the basics and go from there.
07-27-2006, 12:24 AM,
the way to do it is to start out with gettiing the basics i can make a list of categorys then start patching in more and more
07-27-2006, 12:31 AM,
Its just what yall want if yall wanna do it that way or if you have an idea of another way

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