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bullet dynamics
05-03-2010, 01:07 PM,
Its disgusting looking at the mo but I can keep it wrapped up in the bullet includes.
When Joe added me to svn I asked to only have access to the car data, can I be added to vdrift too?
05-03-2010, 01:18 PM,
svn hasn't been the best for me lately:
Quote:INFO: Loaded shader package simplecube
ERROR: Shader file not found: /usr/local/share/games/vdrift/data/shaders/skybox/vertex.glsl
vdrift: src/shader.cpp:160: void SHADER_GLSL::LoadFileIntoString(const std:Confusedtring&, std:Confusedtring&, std::ostream&) const: Assertion `f' failed.
SIGABRT detected, releasing the mouse
I've been using 2680 for everything so far, will try and get up to date.

EDIT: data wasn't up to date Smile
05-03-2010, 01:44 PM,
Getting this when I enable bullet:
Quote: Sound initialization successful
INFO: Loaded fonts successfully
INFO: Loaded GUI successfully

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to Thread 0x7fa426a1f7a0 (LWP 19620)]
0x0000000000467db4 in btRigidBody::getMotionState (this=0x0) at bullet/BulletDynamics/Dynamics/btRigidBody.h:460
460 return m_optionalMotionState;
(gdb) bt
#0 0x0000000000467db4 in btRigidBody::getMotionState (this=0x0) at bullet/BulletDynamics/Dynamics/btRigidBody.h:460
#1 0x00000000004548a3 in CARDYNAMICS::GetWheelPosition (this=0x163ec60, wp=FRONT_LEFT) at src/cardynamics.cpp:831
#2 0x000000000042e225 in CAR::CopyPhysicsResultsIntoDisplay (this=0x163ec60) at src/car.cpp:741
#3 0x0000000000528c54 in WIDGET_SPINNINGCAR::Load (this=0x14019e0, parent=@0x144e640, carname=@0x1401a28, paintstr=@0x1401a30) at include/widget_spinningcar.h:122
#4 0x00000000005290ec in WIDGET_SPINNINGCAR::SetVisible (this=0x14019e0, scene=@0x144e640, newvis=true) at include/widget_spinningcar.h:183
#5 0x00000000004d6b3f in GUIPAGE::SetVisible (this=0x144e4c8, parent=@0x1496bc8, newvis=true) at include/guipage.h:87
#6 0x00000000004ea4e2 in GUI::ActivatePage (this=0x7fff28e82278, pagename=@0x7fff28e7ec80, activation_time=0.25, error_output=@0x7fff28e888a0, save_options=true)
at include/gui.h:180
#7 0x00000000004f07d2 in GUI:TonguerocessInput (this=0x7fff28e82278, movedown=false, moveup=false, cursorx=0.492968738, cursory=0.300000012, cursordown=false, cursorjustup=true,
screenhwratio=0.5625, error_output=@0x7fff28e888a0) at include/gui.h:242
#8 0x00000000004c01bc in GAME:TonguerocessGUIInputs (this=0x7fff28e7f760) at src/game.cpp:995
#9 0x00000000004c217c in GAME::AdvanceGameLogic (this=0x7fff28e7f760) at src/game.cpp:625
#10 0x00000000004c2c85 in GAME::Tick (this=0x7fff28e7f760, deltat=0.00300000003) at src/game.cpp:609
#11 0x00000000004c2e37 in GAME::MainLoop (this=0x7fff28e7f760) at src/game.cpp:575
#12 0x00000000004c92ab in GAME::Start (this=0x7fff28e7f760, args=@0x7fff28e88f30) at src/game.cpp:175
#13 0x0000000000593608 in main (argc=1, argv=0x7fff28e89058) at src/main.cpp:70
05-03-2010, 02:54 PM,
WIDGET_SPINNINGCAR doesn't initialize cardynamics(it doesn't need to) but needs valid wheel positions. That's a complicated one.
05-03-2010, 03:00 PM,
I'll look into a separate routine to set wheel positions.
05-05-2010, 10:38 PM,
Just set them to the positions defined in the .car file on load.
05-07-2010, 05:51 PM,
did the bezier surface collision code get turned off by this patch? it used to be that as long as you were on the track the track surface didn't really have to marked as collide-able but this doesn't seem to be the case any more. just go to fuji and inch the car over the start/finish line and you'll see it sink into the ground and then bounce wildly. confused.

05-07-2010, 11:58 PM,
hmm, this is strange. the car still seems to follow the bezier surface (tested it with the ring and the car still sinks in the ground in one of the turns; btw joe that never got fixed) but now it kind of bounces around from time to time (i assume when it touches the road texture which is collide-able). something's wrong with the new collision code.

05-08-2010, 03:44 AM,
Thanks for bug reporting alex25.

Quote:did the bezier surface collision code get turned off by this patch
No, the bezier surface tests are only run if a collidable geometry is hit.

Quote:track surface didn't really have to marked as collide-able
This has to be fixed. All collidable surfaces should be marked as such. Do you know of other tracks having parts of surface not marked as collidable?

Quote:car still sinks in the ground in one of the turns
A screenshot would be great. Go to Options/Controls/Assign Controls/Game Controls/Tools and assign a key to Screen Shot.
05-08-2010, 11:15 AM,
NaN Wrote:This has to be fixed. All collidable surfaces should be marked as such. Do you know of other tracks having parts of surface not marked as collidable?

why did this change? what happens in cases when the bezier surface doesn't coincide with the texture? anyway, i'll fix the track in svn but i want to understand the new behaviour.

NaN Wrote:A screenshot would be great. Go to Options/Controls/Assign Controls/Game Controls/Tools and assign a key to Screen Shot.

we discussed this a long time ago in this thread: (pictures are included there). so in the case shown in those pictures will the car interact with the road texture as well (which is collide-able)?

05-08-2010, 11:33 AM,
the start/finish line is now collide-able at fuji (r507 of the data package).

05-08-2010, 02:14 PM,
Quote:why did this change?
Bullet is used for collision detection and resolution. Only collidable objects are considered as collision candidates. I made the bezier test dependent on collision geometry to be able to spot bugs/problems in the collision geometry ray cast.

Quote:what happens in cases when the bezier surface doesn't coincide with the texture?
The wheel rays will report a contact point on the bezier patch. The car collision shape might collide with the track geometry depending on the bezier surface track offset and car ride height.
05-08-2010, 02:29 PM,
NaN Wrote:The wheel rays will report a contact point on the bezier patch. The car collision shape might collide with the track geometry depending on the bezier surface track offset and car ride height.
how can i turn off the car collision shape colliding with the track geometry (and only use the bezier surface)? there some really strange things going on here. for example at dijon, if you go where the pitlane joins with the track, but stay on the track itself, drive around very, very slowly and you'll eventually see the car suddenly jump around like it hit something. i tried to make a replay, but the replays are broken. the position of the car shown on the replay has nothing to do with the position of the car when the replay was taken (at least in the case where the car suddenly jumps around for no reason).

05-08-2010, 02:53 PM,
Quote:where the pitlane joins with the track
That's a nice one, thanks. I will do some debugging asap.

Quote:how can i turn off the car collision shape colliding with the track geometry
There is no switch to enable/disable it. I am not sure what your intention is. So you either have to wait till the bugs are fixed or fall back to rev 2659(it uses the old code).
05-08-2010, 02:54 PM,
i took a snapshot so you can get an idea of where this happens
[Image: dijon.jpg]

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